Managing certificate template


1 - Managing Certificate Templates

Certificate Templates are used by Enterprise Certification Authorities (CA) to define the purpose and content of certificates that can be issued to a requesting entity like user, computer or network service.

In this exercise, you will first install AD Certificate Services and its required components and later customize the certificate template properties.

To get more information about managing certificate templates, please refer to your course material or use your preferred search engine to research this topic in more detail.

Task 1 - Add AD Certificate Services and Certificate Web Enrollment Services

Typically, in a corporate network a dedicated server is set aside to handle certificate issuance and management to requesting users, computers or network service. In this task, you will add AD Certificate Services (AD CS) and Certificate Authority Web Enrollment Services on the PLABDM01 server.

To add AD CS and Certificate Web Enrollment, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on the required devices indicated in the Introduction.

Connect to the PLABDM01.

In the Server Manager > Dashboard window, click on the Tools menu and select Windows PowerShell.

Step 2

Please note that Windows PowerShell commands are not case-sensitive.

In the Windows PowerShell window, to add Active Directory Certificate Services and Certification Authority Web Enrollment features, type the following command:

Add-WindowsFeature -Name ADCS-Cert-Authority,ADCS-Web-Enrollment -IncludeManagementTools

Press Enter.

Figure 1.1 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 1.1 Screenshot of PLABDM01: A command is entered in Windows PowerShell to install Certificate Authority services.

Step 3

Please wait while installation of the selected Windows features is in progress. This will take a few minutes.

Important: You may notice a bit of a time lag about 2 minutes as the features are being installed. Installation may seem to have frozen or stopped processing. Should this happen, click inside the Windows PowerShell window and press Enter to refresh the screen. If you are using HTML5 client, pressing Enter will display the Clipboard window. Close the clipboard window if it opens while working in the labs.

Step 4

Windows PowerShell confirms the successful installation of the Active Directory Certificate Services and Certification Authority Web Enrollment features.

Keep Windows PowerShell window open.

Figure 1.2 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 1.2 Screenshot of PLABDM01: Windows PowerShell window indicates a successful installation of features.

Task 2 - Install AD Certificate Enterprise CA and CA Web Enrollment Service

In the earlier task, you simply added the AD Certificate Services and CA Web Enrollment features into Windows. It is essential that those two services be installed and configured with their respective system settings to make them capable of issuing certificates to requesting user, computer or service.

To install and configure AD Certificate Services and CA Web Enrollment, perform the following steps:

Step 1

In PLABDM01Windows PowerShell is open.

To install AD Certification Authority as an Enterprise Root CA using default settings, type the following command:

Install-AdcsCertificationAuthority -CAType EnterpriseRootCA

Press Enter.

On the next prompt, to accept the default settings, type:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.3 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 1.3 Screenshot of PLABDM01: Windows PowerShell displays the installation of Certificate Authority.

Step 2

The installation of AD Certification Authority is successfully confirmed with ErrorId of “0.”

On the next prompt, to install AD Certification Authority Web Enrollment, type:


Press Enter.

On the next prompt to install AD Certification Authority Web Enrollment with default settings, type:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.4 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 1.4 Screenshot of PLABDM01: Windows PowerShell displays a screen prompt for the installation of Certificate Authority.

Step 3

The installation of AD Certification Authority Web Enrollment is successfully confirmed with ErrorId of “0.”

Minimize Windows PowerShell window.

Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01: Windows PowerShell displays a successful installation of certificate authority web enrolment.

Step 4

Click Server Manager icon from taskbar.

In the Server Manager > Dashboard window, click Tools and select Certification Authority.

Step 5

The certsrv - [Certification Authority (Local)] window opens.


Then click Certificate Templates folder.

The details pane of the Certificates Template folder at the right, indicates the type of certificates can be issued by PLABDM01.

Keep Certification Authority open.

Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority console window is displayed.

2 - Configuring Certificate Auto Enrollment

Enrollment for machine or user certificate can be done manually by using certificates request wizard through the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) in a small organization. For big companies that maintain hundreds of network users, certificate enrollment can be streamlined by customizing a certificate template. A customized certificate template allows you to set properties such as auto enrollment and simplify certificates deployment to domain users by using Group Policy Objects.

In this exercise, you will learn how to manage certificates by setting the different properties for a custom template such security that indicate which user or security group has access to the certificate, timeline that illustrate validity of an issued certificate and other properties relating to a certificate templates.

To learn more about managing certificate templates and enrollment, please refer to your course material or use your preferred search engine to research this topic in more detail.

Task 1 - Configure a customized certificate template

A customized certificate template gives the certificate administrator the flexibility to change the properties of a template like security, extensions among others.

To set up a customized certificate template, perform the following steps:

Step 1

On PLABDM01, the Certification Authority console window is open.

Then right-click on Certificate Templates folder and select Manage.

Figure 2.1 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.1 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority console window is displayed.

Step 2

The Certificate Templates Console window opens.

Scroll down the templates list and right-click on User, then select Duplicate Template.

Figure 2.2 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.2 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Templates console window is displayed.

Step 3

On the Properties of New Template dialog box, click General tab.

Step 4

In the General tab, click in the Template display name text box and type-over the existing text with the following:


Click Apply.

Then click Request Handling tab.

Figure 2.3 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.3 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 5

In the Request Handling tab, select Prompt the user during enrollment option.

Click Apply.

Note: For the purpose of this lab, we will use this option Prompt the user during enrollment. In an actual deployment, users are not prompted by any message when they are automatically enrolled for a certificate.

Then click Security tab.

Practice Labs screenshot.

Figure 2.4 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 6

In the Security tab, ensure that Authenticated Users security group is selected.

Under the Permissions for Authenticated Users section, select AutoEnroll check box.

Click Apply.

Then select Superseded Templates tab.

Figure 2.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 7

In the Superseded Templates folder tab and click Add.

Figure 2.6 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.6 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 8

In the Add Superseded Template tab, scroll down the list of Certificate templates.

Select User and click OK.

Figure 2.7 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.7 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 9

Back in the Superseded Templates tab, the User template is now added.

Click Apply.

Then select Subject Name tab.

Figure 2.8 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.8 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 10

In the Subject Name tab, clear the following check boxes:

  • Include e-mail name in subject name
  • E-mail name

Click OK.

Note: You cleared the two check boxes as AD users in Practice Labs domain do not have those attributes defined in their accounts.

Figure 2.9 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.9 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 11

Close Certificate Templates Console window.

Step 12

Next is to include SecureUser certificate template in the list of certificates that can issued by PLABDM01.

Ensure that you are back on the Certification Authority console window.

Right-click on Certificate Templates folder, then point to New and select Certificate Template to Issue.

Figure 2.10 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.10 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority console window is displayed.

Step 13

In the Enable Certificate Templates dialog box, scroll down the list of templates and select SecureUser and click OK.

Figure 2.11 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.11 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Enable Certificate Templates dialog box is displayed.

Step 14

If you get a system message indicating that the certificate couldn’t be added this time, click Cancel. This can happen due to some system delays in the Certification Authority Server.

Start over with Step 13 to attempt to add the new certificate template.

You have just added SecureUser template as one of the certificate templates that can be issued by PLABDM01 server.

Minimize Certification Authority window as you will need this application in a later task.

Figure 2.12 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 2.12 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority console window is displayed.

Task 2 - Create group policy for certificate auto enrollment

In this task you will create a Group Policy Object to automate the deployment of user certificates to domain network users.

To create a GPO for user certificate auto-enrollment, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Connect to PLABDC01.

In the Server Manager > Dashboard window, click Tools menu and select Group Policy Management.

Step 2

In the Group Policy Management console window, expand ForestPRACTICELABS.COM > Domains > PRACTICELABS.COM APAC and click IT organizational unit.

Right-click on IT OU and select Create a GPO in this domain and link it here…

Figure 2.13 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 2.13 Screenshot of PLABDC01: The Group Policy Management console window is displayed.

Step 3

In the New GPO dialog box, type:

Certificate Auto Enrollment

Click OK.

Figure 2.14 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 2.14 Screenshot of PLABDC01: The New GPO dialog box is displayed.

Step 4

Expand the IT OU then right-click on Certificate Auto Enrollment group policy object link.

Note: If the Group Policy Management Console message box appears indicating you have selected a link to a Group Policy Object (GPO), click Do not show this message again check box then click OK.

Select Edit.

Figure 2.15 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 2.15 Screenshot of PLABDC01: The Group Policy Management console window is displayed.

Step 5

The Group Policy Management Editor window opens.

Expand User Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings then click Public Key Policies.

Observe the Public Key Policies details at the right. Then right-click on Certificate Services Client - Auto-Enrollment and select Properties.

Figure 2.16 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 2.16 Screenshot of PLABDC01: The Group Policy Management console window is displayed.

Step 6

In the Certificate Services Client-Auto-Enrollment… dialog box, change the Configuration Model drop-down list to Enabled.

Step 7

A number of check boxes will become available as a result.

Select the following check boxes:

  • Renew expired certificates, update pending certificates, and remove revoked certificates
  • Update certificates that use certificate templates
  • Display user notifications for expiring certificates in user and machine MY store

Click OK.

Figure 2.17 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 2.17 Screenshot of PLABDC01: The Certificate Services Client - Auto-Enrollment Properties dialog box is displayed.

Step 8

Close Group Policy Management Editor application window.

Similarly, exit from the Group Policy Management console window.

Step 9

Right-click on Start and select Command Prompt from the shortcut menu.

Figure 2.18 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 2.18 Screenshot of PLABDC01: The Start button shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 10

To propagate the new user Group Policy settings to the domain, type:

gpupdate /force

Press Enter.

On the next prompt, type:


Press Enter.

Figure 2.19 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 2.19 Screenshot of PLABDC01: A command is entered in the command prompt window.

Task 3 - Verify the certificate issuance

After configuring the certificate auto enrolment policy in the previous task, you will now sign on as a domain user located in the IT organizational unit and verify that a certificate is issued to the user.

To verify certificate issuance, perform the following steps:

Step 1

You need to temporarily disable server auto login to be able log on to the lab devices using another user account.

On the content panel please click the Access your settings tab, under Device > Server auto login, click the Disable button. Please note that this Server auto login setting is saved in your profile and will apply in EVERY lab session that you will perform with Practice Labs.

Please note that you can select Enable button again in the Device > Server auto login to have the convenience of being automatically logged on as the default administrator after this exercise.

Step 2

Connect to PLABWIN10 computer.

Important: Since Server auto logon was disabled previously, you may see the PRACTICELABS\Administrator already signed in. If this is the case, please sign out PRACTICELABS\Administrator from PLABWIN10.

Connect again to PLABWIN10.

On the sign on screen, click Other User.

Step 3

In the User name box, type:


In the password text box, type:


Press Enter.

Figure 2.20 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 2.20 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Windows 10 sign-on screen is displayed.

Step 4

If the Application Install - Security Warning message box appears, click Close [x] button.

This application is for the assessment engine in the lab.

Click Agree if presented with BGInfo License Agreement page.

Step 5

When signed on, access the system tray and click the arrow to expand.

You should get a certificate icon. Then click on the certificate icon to proceed with the enrollment of the user certificate for Lisa Scott.

Important: There will be a slight delay about 1 minute, before the certificate icon appears at the system tray. If you don't get a certificate, open a command prompt and type gpupdate /force. A certificate icon will appear on the system tray. If no certificate icon appears, sign out and sign back in as lisa.scott.

Figure 2.21 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 2.21 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The system tray is selected and a notification about certificate enrolment is displayed.

Step 6

In the Certificate EnrollmentBefore you begin page, click Next.

Step 7

The Request Certificates page will display SecureUser certificate template that you created earlier.

Click Enroll.

Figure 2.22 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 2.22 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Request Certificates page is displayed.

Step 8

Please wait while certificate enrolment is being processed.

Step 9

Lisa Scott will enroll successfully for the SecureUser certificate template.

Click Finish.

The certificate issued to Lisa Scott can be used for a number of tasks like protecting her personal files using EFS and send encrypted e-mail messages, if there is an existing e-mail server in the network.

Figure 2.23 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 2.23 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Certificate Installation Results page is displayed.

Step 10

Right-click Start and mouse over Shut down or sign out.

Then click Sign out.

Implementing Key Archival

To ensure the recoverability of issued certificates, a certification authority (CA) server must be configured to archive keys or certificates that it has issued to users and computers. Key archival means that the CA server has a copy of all issued certificates and therefore allows recovery of certificates lost by the user due to a number of reasons such as theft of smart card, an accidental reformat of the user workstation where the user certificate is saved and among other things.

In this exercise, you will learn to how set up key archival by first enabling a key recovery agent in certification authority and issue a recovery agent certificate to the CA administrator.

To get additional information about how to configure key archival, please refer to your course material or use your preferred search engine to research this topic in more detail.

Task 1 - Enable a Key Recovery Agent

The Key Recovery Agent role is security-sensitive role that must be manually configured to be able to recover lost keys issued by the Certification Authority to users in the domain network. In this task, you will enable the administrator account for Key Recovery Agent role.

To enable the key recovery agent, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Connect to PLABDM01 device.

The Server Manager > Dashboard window is open.

Restore the Certification Authority from taskbar.

Step 2

In the Certificate Authority window, right-click on Certificate Templates folder and select New Certificate Template to Issue.

Figure 3.1 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.1 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority console window is displayed.

Step 3

In the Enable Certificate Templates dialog box, scroll down the list.

Then select Key Recovery Agent and click OK.

Minimize Certification Authority snap-in.

Figure 3.2 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.2 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Enable Certificate Templates dialog box is displayed.

Task 2 - Request for Key Recovery Agent Certificate

To request for a Key Recovery Agent Certificate for the administrator account, do the following steps:

Step 1

In the next few steps, you will enroll the PRACTICELABS\Administrator account to use a Key Recovery Agent certificate.

On PLABDM01, right-click Start and select Run.

Step 2

In the Run dialog box, type:


Click OK.

Figure 3.3 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.3 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Run dialog box is displayed.

Step 3

In the Console1 window, click File and select Add/Remove Snap-in.

Step 4

In the Add or Remove Snap-ins window, select Certificates and click Add.

Figure 3.4 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.4 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box is displayed.

Step 5

In the Certificates dialog box, ensure that My user account option is selected.

Click Finish.

Figure 3.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box is displayed.

Step 6

Click OK to close Add/Remove Snap-ins dialog box.

Figure 3.6 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.6 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box is displayed.

Step 7

Back on the Console1 window.

Expand Certificates-Current User node.

Then right-click on Personal folder, point to All Tasks and select Request New Certificate.

Figure 3.7 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.7 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Console1 window is displayed.

Step 8

Click Next in the Before you begin page.

Step 9

In the Select Certificate Enrollment Policy page, click Next.

Step 10

In the Request Certificates page, select Key Recovery Agent check box.

Click Enroll.

Practice Labs screenshot.

Figure 3.8 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Request Certificates window is displayed.


Step 11

Please wait while enrolment for Key Recovery Agent is being processed.

Click Finish when Certificate Installation Results page reports a pending enrollment.

Since Key Recovery Agent certificate is a security-sensitive key, as it indicates “Enrollment pending” meaning it will have to be issued (approved) manually to the user who requested for it.

Figure 3.9 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.9 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certificate Installation Results window is displayed.

Step 12

Minimize Console1 window.

Task 3- Issue Key Recovery Agent certificate

To approve the issuance of the Key Recovery Agent Certificate, perform the following steps:

Step 1

On PLABDM01, restore the Certification Authority window from the taskbar.

Navigate to Pending Requests folder, on the details pane right-click on the Certificate, point to All Tasks then click Issue.

Figure 3.10 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.10 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority window is displayed.

Step 2

Click on the Issued Certificates folder, right-click on the certificate based on Key Recovery Agent template.

Then select Open.

Figure 3.11 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.11 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority window is displayed.

Step 3

In the Certificates dialog box, click Details tab.

Step 4

Under the Details tab, click Copy to File.

Figure 3.12 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.12 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority window is displayed.

Step 5

In the Welcome to the Certificate Export Wizard page, click Next.

Step 6

In the Export File Format page, the default DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) format option is selected.

Click Next to proceed.

Figure 3.13 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.13 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Export File Format page is displayed.

Step 7

In the File to Export page, click in the File name box and type:


Click Next.

Figure 3.14 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.14 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The File to Export page is displayed.

Step 8

Click Finish when you see Completing the Certificate Export Wizard box.

Figure 3.15 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.15 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Completing the Certificate Export Wizard page is displayed.

Step 9

Click OK when the message box "The export was successful" appears.

Similarly, click OK on the Certificate dialog box to close it.

Minimize Certification Authority window.

Step 10

Restore the Console1 window from the taskbar.

Right-click on Personal folder then point to All Tasks and select Import.

Figure 3.16 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.16 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Console1 window is displayed.

Step 11

In the Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard page, click Next.

Step 12

In the File to Import page, click in the File name box and type:


Click Next.

Note: Please note that you can use Browse… button to find the AdminKRA.cer certificate file.

Figure 3.17 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.17 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The File to Export page is displayed.

Step 13

In the Certificate Store page, click Next to accept the default location for certificate in the Personal store.

Step 14

When the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page appears, click Finish.

Figure 3.18 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.18 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page is displayed.

Step 15

Click OK when prompted that the import was successful.

Step 16

Back in the Console1 window, expand Certificates - Current User > Personal and click Certificates folder.

Notice the certificate issued to Administrator with the Intended Purpose -Key Recovery Agent is now available.

Minimize Console1 window as you will need this for later.

Figure 3.19 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.19 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Console1 window is displayed.

Task 4 - Configure CA for Key Archival

In this task, you will configure the Certification Authority to keep a copy of all issued certificates by enabling key archival.

To setup key archival on the CA, perform the following steps:

Step 1

On PLABDM01 server, restore Certification Authority window from taskbar if not yet open.

Right-click on PRACTICELABS-PLABDM01-CA and select Properties.

Figure 3.20 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.20 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority window is displayed.

Step 2

In the PRACTICELABS-PLABDM01-CA Properties window, select Recovery Agents tab.

Step 3

Under the Recovery Agents tab, click Archive the key option.

Click Add…

Figure 3.21 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.21 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The PRACTICELABS-PLABDM01-CA Properties dialog box is displayed.

Step 4

The Key Recovery Agent Selection message box displays the certificate that was issued earlier to the Administrator.

Click OK.

Figure 3.22 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.22 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Windows Security - Key Recovery Agent Selection message box is displayed.

Step 5

Back in the PRACTITCELABS-PLABDM01-CA Properties dialog, click OK when the certificate is added.

Figure 3.23 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.23 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Windows Security - Key Recovery Agent Selection message box is displayed.

Step 6

In the Certification Authority message box, select Yes to restart Active Directory Certificate Services.

Step 7

Please wait while the Active Directory Certificate Services is stopped and started.

Keep Certification Authority window open for the next activity.

Figure 3.24 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.24 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority console window is displayed.

Task 5 - Create a new certificate template enabled for archiving

In this task, you will create a duplicate of an existing certificate template, then customize the properties of the new template and enable it for certificate archiving.

To enable a custom certificate template for archiving, perform the following steps:

Step 1

On PLABDM01, ensure that the Certification Authority window is open.

Click on Certificate Templates folder and then right-click on it.

Select Manage.

Figure 3.25 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.25 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority console is displayed.

Step 2

In the Certificate Templates Console window, scroll down and right-click on User then select Duplicate Template.

Figure 3.26 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.26 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certificate Templates console is displayed.

Step 3

In the Properties of New Template window, click General tab.

Step 4

In the General tab, in the Template display name box, type-over the existing text with the following:


Click Apply.

Then click Request Handling tab.

Figure 3.27 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.27 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 5

Under the Request Handling tab, click on Archive Subject's encryption private key check box.

Figure 3.28 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.28 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 6

The Changing Key Archival Property message box appears saying "Key archive is only enabled for future certificates" just click OK.

Figure 3.29 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.29 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Changing Key Archival Properties message box is displayed.

Step 7

Back in the Properties of New Template dialog box, click Apply.

Then click Subject name tab.

Figure 3.30 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.30 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 8

In the Subject Name tab, clear the following check boxes:

  • Include e-mail name in subject name
  • E-mail name
Note: The check boxes indicated above were cleared as the user accounts in the domain lab do not have those attributes or properties.

Click Apply.

Go to Security tab.

Figure 3.31 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.31 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 9

In the Security tab, select Authenticated Users, click Enroll check box.

Click OK to save the changes.

Figure 3.32 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.32 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Properties of New Template dialog box is displayed.

Step 10

Close the Certificate Templates Console window.

Step 11

Ensure that you are back to Certification Authority console window.

Right-click Certificate Templates and point to New and select Certificate Template to Issue.

Figure 3.33 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.33 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certification Authority console window is displayed.

Step 12

In the Enable Certificate Templates dialog box, select EFSUser and click OK.

Keep Certification Authority console window open.

Figure 3.34 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 3.34 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Enable Certificate Templates dialog box is displayed.

Keep all devices powered on in their current state and proceed to the next exercise.

Keep the devices you have powered on in their current state and proceed to the next exercise.

Enrolling for User Certificate

In the previous exercise, you have performed the essential tasks to set up key archival in a CA server. These tasks include the following: creating a custom certificate for key recovery agent, configured the administrator account to request for a key recovery agent certificate, enabled the CA server to archive issued certificate and created a custom certificate template enabled for archiving.

In this task, you will test a new user to enroll for a custom certificate that was enabled for certificate archiving.

To learn more about enrolling for a user certificate, please refer to your course material or use your preferred search engine to research this topic in more detail.

Task 1 - Request for new certificate

In this task, you sign-in as a regular user and request for a certificate based on the EFSUser custom template.

To request for a new certificate, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Connect to PLABWIN10 device.

On the sign on screen, click Other User.

Step 2

In the User name text box, type:


In the Password box, type:


Press Enter.

Figure 4.1 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.1 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Windows 10 sign-on page is displayed.

Step 3

As before, click Agree when presented with the BGInfo License Agreement window.

If the Application Install - Security Warning message box appears, click Close [X].

Right-click Start and select Run.

Step 4

In the Run dialog box, type:


Press Enter.

Figure 4.2 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.2 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Run dialog box is displayed.

Step 5

In the blank MMC console, click File menu and choose Add Remove Snap-in.

Step 6

In the Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box, select Certificates and click Add.

Figure 4.3 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.3 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box is displayed.

Step 7

Keep the default selection of My user account on the popup and click Finish. Click OK to close Add or Remove Snap-ins dialog box.

Step 8

In the Console1 window, expand Certificates-Current User node.

Then right-click on Personal and choose Request New Certificate.

Figure 4.4 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.4 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Console1 window is displayed.

Step 9

In the Before you begin page, click Next.

Step 10

In the Select Certificate Enrollment Policy page, choose Next.

Step 11

In the Request Certificates page, select EFSUser check box and click Enroll.

Figure 4.5 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.5 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Request Certificates page is displayed.

Step 12

In the Certificate Installation Results page, click Finish.

Minimize Console1 window.

Important: If you get a certification root not trusted error, click Close. This error usually manifests itself when the PLABWIN10 computer is unable to detect the newly-added custom certificate template called EFSUser. You can resolve this error by first saving Console1 on desktop for easy access. Then restart PLABWIN10. Start over with Task 1 - Request for new certificate.

Figure 4.6 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.6 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Certificate Installation Results page is displayed.

Task 2 - Encrypt user folder using EFS

The user has been successfully enrolled for a certificate that can be used for a number of applications like encrypting file system (EFS).

In this task, you will encrypt a folder using the certificate that was issue to the domain user.

Step 1

On PLABWIN10, user Paul Westin is signed in.

Click File Explorer on taskbar.

Step 2

In the File Explorer window, expand This PC node then click Local Disk C drive.

Create a folder called EFSUser.

Figure 4.7 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.7 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The File Explorer window is displayed with a new folder.

Step 3

Click EFSUser folder and create a text document.

Rename the text document as Confidential memo.

Figure 4.8 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.8 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The File Explorer window is displayed with a new folder and file.

Step 4

Open Confidential memo text file and type a one liner text, such as:

This is a test file for EFS.

Save Confidential memo text file and close Notepad.

Figure 4.9 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.9 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Notepad application window is displayed with sample statement typed in.

Step 5

Right-click on Confidential memo text document and select Properties.

Figure 4.10 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.10 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The File Explorer window is displayed and file is selected.

Step 6

In the Confidential memo Properties dialog box, from the General tab, click Advanced.

Step 7

In the Advanced Attributes window, select Encrypt contents to secure data.

Click OK.

Figure 4.11 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.11 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Advanced Attributes dialog box is displayed.

Step 8

Similarly, click OK on the Confidential memo Properties dialog box to save changes.

Figure 4.12 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.12 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Confidential name Properties dialog box is displayed.

Step 9

In the Encryption Warning message box, verify that Encrypt the file and parent folder (recommended) option is selected.

Click OK.

Figure 4.13 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.13 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Encryption Warning message box is displayed.

Step 10

You will notice a mini lock icon is added to the Confidential memo text document. This indicates that the text document and the folder are now encrypted.

Right-click Start charm and mouse-over Shut down or sign out and click Sign out.

Figure 4.14 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.14 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Start button is right-clicked and context menu is displayed.

Task 3 - Delete and re-create user account

In this task, you will test the functionality of the Key Recovery Agent user account by deleting a user object, re-create it and then recover its lost keys.

Step 1

Connect to PLABDC01.

Ensure that Server Manager > Dashboard window is open.

Click Tools menu and select Active Directory Users and Computers.

Step 2

Expand PRACTICELABS.COM > NAmerica and click Operations organizational unit.

Right-click Paul Westin and select Delete.

Figure 4.15 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 4.15 Screenshot of PLABDC01: In Active Directory Users and Computers, a user account is right-clicked and Delete is selected.

Step 3

Click Yes to proceed with the deletion of the user account.

Figure 4.16 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 4.16 Screenshot of PLABDC01: In Active Directory Users and Computers message box is displayed.

Step 4

To test recovery agent functionality, you will re-create a user named Paul Westin in NAmerica/Operations OU using the same properties of the mentioned user.

While Operations OU is selected, right-click on the details pane and select New User.

Figure 4.17 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 4.17 Screenshot of PLABDC01: In Active Directory Users and Computers, an organizational unit is right-clicked and a new user account is about to be created.

Step 5

In the New Object - User dialog box, in the First name text box, type:


In the Last name text box, type:


In the User logon name text box, type:


Click Next.

Figure 4.18 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 4.18 Screenshot of PLABDC01: In Active Directory Users and Computers, an organizational unit is right-clicked and a new user account is about to be created.

Step 6

In the Password and Confirm password text boxes, type:


Clear User must change password at next logon check box.

Then select Password never expires check box.

Click Next.

Figure 4.19 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 4.19 Screenshot of PLABDC01: The New Object - User dialog box is displayed.

Step 7

Click Finish when you reach the summary page.

Minimize Active Directory Users and Computers window.

Figure 4.20 Screenshot of PLABDC01
Figure 4.20 Screenshot of PLABDC01: The New Object - User dialog box is displayed with a summary about the new user.

Task 4 - Test access to encrypted folder as re-created user account

To see the effects accessing the encrypted folder using a re-created the user account, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Connect PLABWIN10 computer.

Click Other user.

Step 2

As before, sign-in as:


In the Password text box, type:


Press Enter.

Step 3

Click Agree if presented with BGInfo License Agreement window.

Click Close [X] if the Application Install - Security Warning message box appears.

Step 4

Launch File Explorer from taskbar.

Then expand This PC > Local Disk (C:) drive and click EFSUser folder.

Right-click on Confidential memo text file and select Open.

Figure 4.21 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.21 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The File Explorer window is displayed and a file is selected.

Step 5

You get an access denied message, because Paul Westin doesn't have the certificate to unlock this file.

This is the result of deleting the user account that was performed in an earlier task.

Click OK.

Then close the Notepad window.

In the next exercise, you will recover Paul Westin’s certificate that was used to encrypt the EFSUser folder and the file contained within it.

Minimize File Explorer window.

Figure 4.22 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.22 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Notepad message box indicates that the user is denied access.

CompTIA Security+

Exercise 5 - Managing Key Recovery

The previous exercise illustrated that if a user account having access to the encrypted file is deleted, it will be denied access to the folder/file it had encrypted even if the account is re-created with the exact same properties as the old user account. This exercise will demonstrate how to recover an archived certificate/key that was issued to the user and show how to link the certificate to its rightful owner. After which you will perform an export of the key to a file and finally test if the recovered key can be used for decrypting a protected document.

To learn more about managing and recovering archived keys, please consult your reference material or use your preferred search engine to research this topic in greater detail.

Task 1 - Import Key Recovery Agent certificate

In this task, you will import keys that are archived on the PLABDM01.

Recall that you have imported the file called AdminKRA.cer into PLABDM01 in an earlier exercise.

Step 1

Connect to PLABDM01.

Reopen the Console1 window that you minimized earlier.

Under Certificates- Current User node, expand Personal then click Certificates folder.

Notice on the details pane at the right, the Key Recovery Agent certificate.

Important: The file you imported in this MMC is just .cer file which is not capable of decrypting the encrypted file as this is only a certificate. You will need to export this file into .pfx format that includes a certificate and key that will unlock an encrypted file.

Figure 5.1 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.1 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Console1 window is displayed.

Step 2

Right-click Administrator certificate and point to All Tasks and select Export.

Figure 5.2 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.2 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Console1 window is displayed.

Step 3

Click Next in the Welcome to the Certificate Export Wizard page.

Step 4

In the Export Private Key page, select Yesexport the private key option button.

Click Next.

Figure 5.3 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.3 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Export Private Key page is displayed.

Step 5

In the Export file format page, verify that Personal Information Exchange - PKCS #12 (.PFX) option button is selected.

Verify that Include all certificates in the certification path if possible check box is selected as well.

Click Next.

Figure 5.4 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.4 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Export File Format page is displayed.

Step 6

In the Security page, select Password check box.

Click in the Password and Confirm password text boxes, type:


Click Next.

Figure 5.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.5 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Security page is displayed and the password is entered.

Step 7

In the File to Export page, click File name box and type:


Please note that the extension name .pfx will be added automatically.

Click Next.

Figure 5.6 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.6 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The File to Export page is displayed and the file name is entered.

Step 8

Click Finish when Completing the Certificate Export Wizard page is displayed.

Figure 5.7 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.7 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Completing the Certificate Export Wizard page is displayed with the summary of settings.

Step 9

Click OK when Windows notifies you that the certificate export was successful.

Step 10

After exporting the .cer to .pfx in the previous example, you will import the .pfx file back into Console1.

The Administrator needs the .pfx file to be able to recover archived keys from the CA server.

From Console1, select Personal folder right-click Certificates point to All Tasks then select Import

Figure 5.8 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.8 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Console1 window is displayed.

Step 11

In the Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard, click Next.

Step 12

In the File to Import page, click in the File name text box and type:


Click Next.

Figure 5.9 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.9 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The File to Import page is displayed.

Step 13

In the Private key protection page, in the Password text box, type:


Click Next.

Figure 5.10 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.10 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Private key protection page is displayed and a password is entered.

Step 14

In the Certificate Store page, verify that Place all certificates in the following store is selected.

Click Next.

Figure 5.11 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.11 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Certificate store page is displayed.

Step 15

In the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page, click Finish.

Figure 5.12 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.12 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page is displayed.

Step 16

Click OK when the system tells you that the import was successful.

Step 17

Notice that a second certificate has been added to the list.

Minimize Console1 window.

Figure 5.13 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.13 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Console1 window is displayed.

Step 18

Restore the Certification Authority console window from taskbar if not yet open.

Click Issued Certificates folder.

Locate the column Requester name by expanding the column header and find PRACTICELABS\paul.westin.

Please note the requester name indicated above as you will recover the archived certificate of this user account.

Figure 5.13 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.13 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Console1 window is displayed and user certificate is selected.

Task 2 - Using CERTUTIL to recover archived keys

To run the certutil.exe to recover archived keys in the PLABDM01 server, perform the following steps:

Step 1

On PLABDM01 computer, right-click Start and select Command Prompt (Admin) from the shortcut menu.

Step 2

In the command prompt type the following:

certutil -getkey PRACTICELABS\paul.westin outputblob

Press Enter.

Figure 5.14 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.14 Screenshot of PLABDM01: A command is entered in the command prompt window.

Step 3

On the command prompt window, click the Command prompt icon on the top left corner.

Click Edit and select Paste.

Figure 5.15 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.15 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The command prompt window indicates a successful operation.

Step 4

To create a certificate that can unlock the encrypted file, you need to create a .PFX file from the retrieved key file.

Type the following

certutil -recoverkey outputblob paul.pfx

Press Enter.

In the Enter new password prompt, type:


Press Enter.

In the Confirm new password prompt, type:


Press Enter.

Figure 5.16 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.16 Screenshot of PLABDM01: A command is entered in the command prompt window to recover an archived key.

Step 5

The .PFX file called paul.pfx is successfully created.

Figure 5.17 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.17 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The command prompt window indicates a successful operation.

Step 6

Open File Explorer, navigate to Local Disk C > Windows > system32 folder.

Scroll down the list and locate paul - Personal Information file type.

Note that the file will look like a certificate with a key appended to it.

Right-click on paul and select Copy.

Figure 5.18 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.18 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The File Explorer window is displayed and a file is copied.

Step 7

Create a folder on Local Disk C: called paulwestin and paste the .pfx certificate file there.

Figure 5.19 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.19 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The File Explorer window is displayed and a file is copied.

Step 8

You will share paulwestin folder to allow the user to access the .pfx file over the network.

Right-click on paulwestin folder and choose Properties.

Figure 5.20 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.20 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The File Explorer window is displayed and a folder is selected.

Step 9

On the paulwestin Properties window, select Sharing tab.

Step 10

Under the Sharing tab and click on Advanced Sharing.

Figure 5.21 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.21 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The File Explorer window is displayed and a folder is selected.

Step 11

In the Advanced Sharing window, click Share this folder box and then click OK.

Similarly, click Close on the paulwestin folder.

Figure 5.22 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 5.22 Screenshot of PLABDM01: The Advanced Sharing dialog box is displayed with its corresponding settings.

Task 3 - Test user access to encrypted file

To verify that user Lisa Weybridge can access the file that was encrypted earlier, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Connect to PLABWIN10 where paul.westin is signed in.

File Explorer is open.

Right-click on This PC, choose Map network drive.

Figure 5.23 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 5.23 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: In the File Explorer window, the map network drive command is invoked.

Step 2

In the Map network drive window, in the Folder text box, type:


Click Finish.

Figure 5.24 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 5.24 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: In the Map Network Drive dialog box, the network path is entered.

Step 3

A new File Explorer window opens indicating a successful connection.

Once connected right-click on paul.pfx file and choose InstallPFX.

Figure 5.25 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 5.25 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: In the File Explorer window, a file is selected.

Step 4

In the Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard page, click Next.

Step 5

The File to Import page, displays the path of the .pfx file.

In this case it is in z:\paul.pfx path.

Click Next.

Figure 5.26 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 5.26 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The File to Import page is displayed.

Step 6

In the Private key protection page, type:


Click Next.

Figure 5.27 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 5.27 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Private key protection page is displayed.

Step 7

In the Certificate Store page, the Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate option is selected.

Click Next.

Step 8

When Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page shows up, click Finish.

Figure 5.28 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 5.28 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Completing the Certificate Import Wizard page is displayed.

Step 9

Click OK when import is successful.

Step 10

Back on File Explorer window, navigate to Local Disk C then click EFSUser folder.

Right-click on Confidential memo then select Open.

Figure 5.29 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 5.29 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: In the File Explorer window, a file is selected.

Step 11

Paul should be able to read the contents of the confidential file.

Paul Westin’s key was recovered successfully.

Figure 5.30 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 5.30 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: The Confidential memo-Notepad window is displayed.

Task 4 - Enable server auto login

By default, when you connect to a device in Practice Labs you are automatically logged in - usually as the administrator. For this task, you will need to re-enable this feature and so you will be logged in automatically in the next exercise.

Step 1

On the Practice Labs web page, click the Access your settings tab.

Under the Device heading there is an option named Server auto login, click the Enable button.

Result - You have completed the necessary tasks for managing certificate archiving and recovery.

Shutdown all virtual machines used in this lab, by using the power functions located in the Tools bar before proceeding to the next module. Alternatively, you can log out of the lab platform.

Keep all devices powered on in their current state and proceed to the next exercise.


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