Capture session cookies


 - Capture Session Cookies

You can view cookie information from unencrypted sites using session hijacking, also known as cookie hijacking. Session hijacking occurs at the network and application level. At the application level session hijacking, you will intercept the session ID of a particular session with the help of cookies and use it to gain unauthorized access to sensitive or critical data.

In this exercise, you will perform the following tasks to perform application-level session hijacking:

  • Enable HTTP web service on PLABSA01
  • Configure Burp Suite on PLABWIN10
  • Configure Firefox to use Burp Suite proxy listeners
  • Capture cookies
  • Hijack the session

Learning Outcomes

After completing this exercise, you will be able to:

  • Install Burp Suite on PLABWIN10
  • Install Firefox
  • Configure Burp Suite on PLABWIN10
  • Configure Firefox to Use Burp Suite Proxy Listeners
  • Capture Cookies

Your Devices

You will be using the following devices in this lab. Please power these on now.

  • PLABDC01 - (Windows Server 2019 - Domain Server)
  • PLABWIN10 - (Windows 10 - Workstation)

Practice Labs screenshot.

Task 1 - Install Firefox

Firefox is a Web browser developed by Mozilla. It is mainly used for surfing the web, and it is also used with Burp Suite for intercepting traffic.

In this task, you will learn to install Firefox. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on all the devices and connect to PLABWIN10.

In the Type here to search text box on the taskbar, type the following:

Internet Explorer

From the search results, select Internet Explorer.

Figure 1.1 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.1 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Desktop, searching the system for Internet Explorer.

Step 2

Internet Explorer is now opened.

The Intranet page should be automatically opened, if not,

In the address bar, type the following URL:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.2 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.2 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Entering the URL in the address bar of Internet Explorer.

Step 3

After the Intranet Website has loaded, click Installation_Files.

Figure 1.3 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.3 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Installation_Files link.

Step 4

On the Installation_Files page, click Firefox.

Figure 1.4 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.4 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Firefox link.

Step 5

On the Firefox page, click Firefox Setup 67.0.exe.

Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Firefox Setup 67.0.exe link.

Step 6

In the notification bar, click Run.

Figure 1.6 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.6 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Run in the notification bar.

Step 7

A dialog box displays the file extraction in progress.

Figure 1.7 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.7 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing a dialog box with the file extraction progress.

Step 8

The Mozilla Firefox Setup dialog box is displayed. On the Welcome to the Mozilla Firefox Setup Wizard page, click Next.

Figure 1.8 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.8 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Welcome to the Mozilla Firefox Setup Wizard page.

Step 9

On the Setup Type page, keep the default selection and click Next.

Figure 1.9 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.9 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Setup Type page.

Step 10

On the Summary page, click Install.

Figure 1.10 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.10 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Install on the Summary page.

Step 11

On the Installing page, the installation progress is displayed.

Figure 1.11 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.11 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the installation progress on the Installing page.

Step 12

On the Completing the Mozilla Firefox Setup Wizard page, de-select Launch Firefox now and click Finish.

Figure 1.12 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.12 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Finish on the Completing the Mozilla Firefox Setup Wizard page.

Step 13

Close the Internet Explorer window.

Figure 1.13 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.13 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Closing the Internet Explorer window.

Task 2 - Install Burp Suite on PLABWIN10

Burp Suite is one of the most used applications when it comes to intercepting traffic. It has a proxy that can intercept and modify Web traffic. In this task, you will learn to install Burp Suite. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on all the devices and connect to PLABWIN10.

Double click Mozilla Firefox located on the desktop.

Figure 1.14 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.14 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Selecting Firefox from the Windows Desktop.

Step 2

The Mozilla Firefox window opens. Notice that two tabs are opened. You can close the Firefox Privacy Notice tab.

On the update notification, click Not Now.

Figure 1.15 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.15 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Firefox opened and displaying the home page.

Step 3

You will need to download Burp Suite from its Website. In the address bar of Mozilla Firefox, type the following:

Press Enter.

Figure 1.16 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.16 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Firefox home page, showing the URL required for Burp Suite entered.

Step 4

On the Burp Suite website, select Download the latest version.

Note: The version of Burp Suite may change over time.

Figure 1.17 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.17 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Burp Suite download for the latest version button.

Step 5

You will be shown the download page for the latest version of Burp Suite.

Ensure that the drop down menus show Burp Suite Community Edition and Windows (64-bit).

Click the Download button.

Figure 1.18 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.18 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the Burp Suite download button.

Step 6

A dialogue box will then be shown.

Select Save File.

Figure 1.19 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.19 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Save File on the opened dialogue box.

Step 7

Press the button towards the top of the browser to display the progress of ongoing downloads.

Select Show All Downloads.

Figure 1.20 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.20 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Show All Downloads on Firefox.

Step 8

When the download has completed, Double click the downloaded file for Burp Suite.

Figure 1.21 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.21 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Double Clicking on the completed Burp Suite download.

Step 9

The Burp Suite Installation Wizard is then displayed.

Please wait for this to complete.

Figure 1.22 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.22 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the Burp Suite Installation wizard dialog box.

Step 10

On the Setup for Burp Suite Community Edition Welcome page,

Click Next.

Figure 1.23 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.23 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Welcome to the Burp Suite Community Edition Setup Wizard page.

Step 11

On the Select Destination Directory

Keep the default selection and press Next.

Figure 1.24 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.24 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Select Destination Directory page.

Step 12

On the Select Start Menu Folder section,

Ensure that Create shortcuts for all users is ticked.

Press Next.

Figure 1.25 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.25 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Select Start Menu Folder page.

Step 13

The files for Burp Suite are now being extracted.

Please wait for this to complete.

Figure 1.26 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.26 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the installation progress on the Installing page.

Step 14

The Setup for Burp Suite is now complete.

Click Finish.

Figure 1.27 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.27 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Finish on the Completing the Burp Suite Community Edition Setup Wizard page.

Step 15

Close all open Windows to return to the desktop.

Figure 1.28 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.28 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Desktop showing all open windows have been closed.

Task 3 - Configure Burp Suite on PLABWIN10

After you have installed Burp Suite, you need to configure it to intercept traffic from Mozilla Firefox. In this task, you will configure Burp Suite on PLABWIN10. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on all the devices and connect to PLABWIN10.

In the Type here to search textbox, type the following:


From the search results, select Burp Suite Community Edition.

Figure 1.28 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.28 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Selecting Burp Suite Community Edition from the search results.

Step 2

The BURPSUITE COMMUNITY EDITION splash screen is displayed.

Figure 1.29 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.29 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the splash screen of Burp Suite Community Edition.

Step 3

On the Terms and Conditions page, click I Accept.

Figure 1.30 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.30 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the I Accept button on the Terms and Conditions page.

Step 4

The Burp Suite Community Edition v2.04 wizard is displayed. On the Welcome to Burp Suite Community Edition page, select the required options to create or open a project.

For this demonstration, keep the default selection of Temporary project and click Next.

Figure 1.31 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.31 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Selecting the default Temporary project and clicking Next.

Step 5

On the Select the configuration that you would like to load for this project page, keep the default selection of Use Burp defaults and click Start Burp.

Figure 1.32 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.32 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Keeping the default selection of Use Burp defaults and clicking Start Burp.

Step 6

Burp Suite is starting the project.

It will take a few seconds to complete.

Figure 1.33 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.33 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the starting of Burp Suite project.

Step 7

The Burp Suite Community Edition 2.1.04 - Temporary Project window displays.

Click the Proxy tab.

Figure 1.34 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.34 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Proxy tab.

Step 8

Under the Proxy tab, click the Options tab.

Figure 1.35 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.35 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Options tab under the Proxy tab.

Step 9

In the Proxy Listeners section, select the IP address and then click Edit.

Figure 1.36 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.36 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Selecting the default proxy listener’s IP address and clicking Edit.

Step 10

The Edit proxy listener dialog box appears.

In the Bind to port box, type the following:

Note: You can use any port number. However, it is recommended not to use well-known ports such as 80, 443, 8080, and 8443.

In the Bind to address section, select from the Specific address drop-down.

Click OK.

Figure 1.37 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.37 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Entering the port number and then selecting a specific interface as proxy listener.

Step 11

You are back to Proxy Listeners section on the Options tab.

Note: Burp Proxy uses listeners to receive incoming HTTP requests from your browser. You will need to configure a browser to use one of the listeners as its proxy server.

The Windows Security Alert dialog box is displayed. Keep the default settings and click Allow access.

Figure 1.38 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.38 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking Allow access on the Windows Security Alert dialog box.

Step 12

You now need to configure Burp Suite to intercept responses.

In the Options tab, scroll down to Intercept Server Responses section.

Click to select the checkbox Intercept responses based on the following rules.

Figure 1.39 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.39 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Selecting the “Intercept responses based on the following rules” checkbox in the Intercept Server Responses section.

Step 13

Click the Intercept tab under the Proxy tab.

Figure 1.40 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.40 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Intercept tab under the Proxy tab.

Step 14

Ensure that the intercept button is set to: Intercept is on.

Figure 1.41 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.41 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Ensuring that the intercept option is on the Intercept tab.

Step 15

Minimize the Burp Suite window.

Figure 1.42 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.42 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Minimizing the Burp Suite window.

Task 4 - Configure Firefox to Use Burp Suite Proxy Listeners

After you have configured Burp Suite to intercept traffic, you need to now configure Firefox to use proxy listeners. In this task, you will configure Mozilla Firefox to use Burp Suite proxy listeners. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on all the devices and connect to PLABWIN10.

From PLABWIN10 desktop, double-click Mozilla Firefox.

Figure 1.43 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.43 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Double-clicking the Firefox icon on the desktop.

Step 2

The Mozilla Firefox window opens.

Default Browser dialogue box appears.

Click Not now.

Figure 1.44 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.44 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Pressing Not now on the Default Browser dialogue box..

Step 3

On the update notification, click Not Now.

Figure 1.45 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.45 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Not Now option on the update notification.

Step 4

In the Mozilla Firefox window, click the Open menu icon from the upper right corner, and select Options.

Figure 1.46 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.46 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Selecting Options from Open menu.

Step 5

The Options page opens. The update notification is displayed again. Click Not Now.

Figure 1.47 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.47 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the Options page and clicking Not now on the update notification.

Step 6

In the Options page, the General tab opens by default.

Scroll down to configure the network proxy.

Click Settings on the right-hand pane.

Figure 1.48 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.48 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Clicking the Settings button on the Options page.

Step 7

The Connection Settings dialog box opens.

To change the manual proxy address to the Burp listener address, click Manual proxy configuration.

In the Connection Settings dialog box, under Manual proxy configuration, in the HTTP Proxy box, type the following IP address:

In the Port box, type the following port number:


Click to select the checkbox Use this proxy server for all protocols.

Click OK and close the Connection Settings page.

You should now be on the Options page.

Figure 1.49 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.49 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the Options page.

Task 5 - Capture Cookies

In this task, you will view cookie information in the response and request intercepted by Burp Suite. An important point that needs to be noted in this task is that for each action in Mozilla Firefox application, you must forward the associated request in Burp Suite. This will allow Burp Suite to intercept each and every request.

In this session, you will capture cookies. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on all the devices and connect to PLABWIN10.

To access the bWAPP application, in the Mozilla Firefox Web browser window, in the new tab, type the following URL in the address bar:

Press Enter.

Alert: Ensure to click Forward in Burp Suite for each and every request made in Mozilla Firefox as the intercept is ON in Burp Suite.

Figure 1.50 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.50 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Entering the URL in the address bar of Internet Explorer.

Step 2

The login page of the bWAPP application is displayed.

In the Username box on the bWAPP login page, type the following username:


In the Password box, type the following password:


Click Login.

Alert: Ensure to click Forward in Burp Suite for each and every request made in Mozilla Firefox as the intercept is ON in Burp Suite.

Figure 1.51 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.51 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Entering the username and password in the login page and then clicking Login.

Step 3

The portal page is displayed after login. On the login notification, click Don’t Save.

Figure 1.52 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.52 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the logged in page after successful login and then clicking Don’t Save on the login notification.

Step 4

Switch to the Burp Suite Free Edition v1.7.27 - Temporary Project window.

Notice the Intercept tab displays the details about the request to the following URL:

Analyze the displayed information.

Figure 1.53 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.53 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the cookie information on the Intercept tab.

Step 5

In the Burp Suite Free Edition v1.7.27 - Temporary Project window, click Forward.

Wait for Burp Suite to intercept the response.

Notice the response being captured.

In the response, observe that the browser sends a Cookie parameter. This is the cookie assigned by the browser for the current user session to the BWAPP application.

Figure 1.54 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 1.54 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the cookie information on the Intercept tab.


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