Complete post exploitation attacks


Complete Post Exploitation Tasks

First, exploiting a system is not an easy task. You discover a vulnerability but discover that the system that you want to exploit is already updated. You find another method to exploit the system in such cases. After a system has been exploited, the most important tasks of an attacker begin. You could be wanting to extract the information out of the system or perform lateral movement.

There are no hard and fast rules that a specific set of tasks must be performed. For example, you might want to enable remote connection with the exploited system or even start a keylogger so that you can capture critical information. It depends on what your requirements and intentions are. In the end, you want to remain undetected and leave no traces that you were in the system.

In this exercise, you will learn to complete post exploit tasks.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this exercise, you will be able to:

  • Switch Off the Windows Firewall on PLABWIN810
  • Start a Meterpreter Session on a Windows System
  • Migrate Malicious Code to an Exploited Windows Host
  • Start a Keylogger
  • Capture Screenshots
  • Perform Privilege Escalation
  • Search for Files
  • Enable Remote Desktop
  • Find the Installed Applications
  • Perform an ARP Scan
  • Clear Tracks

Your Devices

You will be using the following devices in this lab. Please power on these devices.

  • PLABDC01 - (Windows Server 2019 - Domain Server)
  • PLABKALI01 - (Kali 2019.2 - Linux Kali)
  • PLABWIN810 - (Windows 8.1 - Domain Member)

Practice Labs screenshot.

Task 1 - Switching Off the Windows Firewall on PLABWIN810

You will need to switch off the Windows Firewall to perform an attack on PLABWIN810. There are attacking methods that you can use to bypass the Windows or any other firewall running on the target. However, for the sake of this module, you will switch off the Windows Firewall and proceed with the remaining tasks.

To switch off the Windows Firewall on PLABWIN810, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you have connected to PLABWIN810 and logged into the system.

Note that the PLABWIN810 desktop is displayed.

Figure 1.1 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.1 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Showing the desktop of PLABWIN810.

Step 2

Right-click the Windows Charm and select Control Panel.

Figure 1.2 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.2 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Right-clicking the Windows Charm and selecting Control Panel.

Step 3

The Control Panel window is displayed. On the Adjust your computer’s settings page, click System and Security.

Figure 1.3 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.3 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Clicking System and Security on the Adjust your computer’s settings page.

Step 4

On the next page, several security-related options are displayed. Click Windows Firewall.

Figure 1.4 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.4 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Clicking Windows Firewall.

Step 5

On the Help protect your PC with Windows Firewall page, click Turn Windows Firewall on or off in the left pane.

Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Clicking Turn Windows Firewall on or off in the left pane.

Step 6

On the Customize settings for each type of network page, select Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended) for DomainPrivate, and Public network.

Click OK.

Figure 1.6 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.6 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Selecting Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended) for Domain, Private, and Public network.

Step 7

On the Help protect your PC with Windows Firewall page, notice that Windows Firewall is now turned off for DomainPrivate, and Public network.

Figure 1.7 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.7 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Verifying the Windows Firewall status and closing the Control Panel.

Close the Control Panel window and the PLABWIN810 window.

Task 2 - Start a Meterpreter Session on a Windows System

To be able to penetrate a network, you need to exploit a system first. After exploiting this system, you can perform various tasks, which can be pivoting or lateral movements. Depending on the network environment, you need to choose your attack. However, as the first task, a system must be exploited.

In this task, you will learn to connect to a Windows Host and Launch the Exploit. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on all the devices listed in the introduction and connect to PLABKALI01.

On the PLABKALI01 desktop, click the metasploit framework icon.

Figure 1.9 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.9 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Clicking the metasploit icon on the desktop.

Step 3

On the terminal window displayed, type:


Figure 1.10 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.10 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the command to startup the Metasploit framework typed in.

Step 4

The metasploit framework has started now.

Note: The number of exploits and payloads will change from time to time.

Figure 1.11 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.11 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the msf5 prompt after the Metasploit framework starts.

Step 5

You will now use the PsExec exploit. To do this, type the following command:

use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec

Press Enter.

Figure 1.12 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.12 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the psexec command at the msf5 prompt.

Step 6

Next, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.13 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.13 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Setting the remote host for exploitation.

Step 7

You will now need to provide user credentials. To do this, type the following command:

set SMBUser admin

Press Enter.

Figure 1.14 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.14 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Setting the SMBUser.

Step 8

You need to now set the password for the user. Type the following command:

set SMBPass Passw0rd

Press Enter.

Figure 1.15 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.15 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Setting the password for the SMBUser.

Step 9

Finally, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.16 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.16 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Running the exploit using the run command.

Step 10

After the run command completes, notice that a session with the victim’s system is now established.

Note: In case the system returns “no session was created”, repeat the run command to create the meterpreter session.

Figure 1.17 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.17 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the established session with the victim and showing the victim’s system as exploited.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 3 - Migrate Malicious Code to an Exploited Windows Host

After you have exploited a Windows host, you can migrate the malicious code to it. This code needs to be transferred from a Meterpreter session to a running process, such as explorer.exe.

In this task, you will migrate malicious code to an exploited Windows host. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

You need first to get the process ID (PID) of the current session that is running to do this, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.18 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.18 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the getpid command.

Step 2

The output of the getpid command is displayed. Make a note of the PID. You will require this in the next steps.

Note: The output of the getpid command will differ in your environment.

Figure 1.19 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.19 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the result of the getpid command.

Step 3

Next, let’s list the running processes on the exploited Windows system. Type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.20 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.20 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the ps command.

Step 4

The list of running processes is displayed. The PID for explorer.exe is 2852. Its parent PID is 2828.

Note: These PIDs will differ in your lab environment.

Figure 1.21 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.21 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the ps command.

Step 5

You, now, need to migrate malicious code into explorer.exe. To do this, type the following command:

migrate 2852
Note: Use the same PID that appears in the previous output with the migrate command.

Press Enter.

Figure 1.22 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.22 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the migrate command to migrate malicious code to explorer.exe.

Step 6

Note that malicious code has been transferred successfully.

Figure 1.23 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.23 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the migrate command.

Step 7

You will now verify that the session PID has changed to the PID of explorer.exe. To do this, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.24 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.24 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the getpid command to get the PID of the session.

Step 8

The output of the getpid command is displayed. The PID of this session and explorer.exe is now the same.

Note: The output of the getpid command will differ in your environment.

Figure 1.25 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.25 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the getpid command.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 4 - Start a Keylogger

Using Meterpreter, you can start a keylogger, which is one of the most common activities attackers perform after exploiting a system. A victim does not know that his or her system has been exploited and, therefore, will continue to perform usual tasks, such as creating documents, accessing Websites, or even the banking Websites. The attacker can capture these keystrokes and misuse them as he likes.

In this task, you will start a keylogger. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Before you start the keylogger, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.26 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.26 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the getdesktop command to initiate the keylogger.

Step 2

The output of the getdesktop command is displayed.

Figure 1.27 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.27 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the getdesktop command.

Step 3

Let’s start the keylogger with the keyscan_start command. Type the following:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.28 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.28 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the keyscan_start command to start the keylogger.

Step 4

The keylogger now starts. You should now be able to capture the keystrokes.

Note: To view the captured keystrokes, you can use the keyscan_dump command. To stop the keylogger, use the keyscan_stop command.

Figure 1.29 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.29 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the keyscan_start command.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 5 - Capture Screenshots

Meterpreter can capture screenshots of a victim’s system and save them locally on the attacker’s system. You will require the meterpreter session to be running.

In this task, you will capture a screenshot of the victim’s system. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Switch to PLABWIN810. You are now on the desktop.

Right-click the Windows charm and select Run.

Figure 1.30 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.30 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Right-clicking on the Windows charm and selecting Run from the context menu.

Step 2

The Run dialog box is displayed. In the Open text box, type:


Click OK.

Figure 1.31 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.31 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Showing the Run dialog box with notepad command entered.

Step 3

The Untitled - Notepad window is displayed.

Type the following text:

Bank: Bank of America
Account No: 1234567890
Password: 0987654321

Figure 1.32 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.32 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Entering details in the Notepad document.

Step 4

Switch to PLABKALI01.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the screen.

Run the following command:

use espia

Press Enter.

Figure 1.33 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.33 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the use espia command.

Step 5

Press Ctrl + l to clear the screen.

To capture the screenshot, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.34 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.34 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the screengrab command.

Step 6

Notice that the screenshot is displayed. Close this window.

Figure 1.35 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.35 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the captured desktop.

Step 7

You are back on the terminal. It displays the path where the screenshot is saved.

Figure 1.35 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.35 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the meterpreter prompt with the captured file name.

Close the Notepad window in PLABWIN810 without saving.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 6 - Perform Privilege Escalation

When you use a client-side exploit, after a successful session, it will only have limited privileges. There will be several tasks, such as installing a backdoor, will be prevented. You need to perform privilege escalation to ensure that you can perform tasks, such as install a backdoor, dump password hashes, or even manipulate the registry.

In this task, you will perform privilege escalation. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window. You should now see the meterpreter prompt.

To be able to use the getsystem command for privilege escalation, you need first to load the priv extensions. If you have not loaded this previously, it will get loaded. If already loaded, you will be prompted that it has been loaded.

use priv

Press Enter.

Figure 1.36 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.36 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the use priv command.

Step 2

Notice that you are prompted that priv extension has already been loaded.

Note: In your lab environment, it may not be loaded. The results are likely to vary.

Figure 1.37 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.37 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the use priv command.

Step 3

Next, you will execute the getsystem command. Type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.38 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.38 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the getsystem command to escalate privileges.

Step 4

Notice the output of the getsystem command. Privilege escalation is now successful.

Figure 1.39 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.39 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the getsystem command.

Step 5

You can verify that the session is now running with SYSTEM privileges.

To do this, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.40 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.40 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the getuid command to get the user details.

Step 6

Note the output, which confirms that the session is now running with SYSTEM privileges.

Figure 1.41 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.41 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the SYSTEM user account as the output of the getuid command.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 7 - Search for Files

After exploiting a system, there will be situations when you would want to search and modify a few files. In this task, you will search for a file on the exploited Windows system. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window. You should now see the meterpreter prompt.

Let’s assume you want to search for a file named hosts. To do this, type the following command:

search -f hosts

Press Enter.

Figure 1.42 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.42 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the search command to find a file named hosts.

Step 2

Notice that the output is displayed. There are two hosts files that are displayed on the exploited Windows system.

Figure 1.43 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.43 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the search command.

Step 3

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window.

You can also search to perform a wildcard search. To do this, type the following command:

search -f *PT0*

Press Enter.

Figure 1.44 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.44 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the search command with a wildcard and a pattern.

Step 4

Notice the output of the search command. Any file that matched the criteria specified in the search command is listed in the output.

Figure 1.45 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.45 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the search command with a wildcard.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 8 - Enable Remote Desktop

As a backdoor entry, you can enable Remote Desktop on an exploited Windows system and create a user account, which you will use to log into the system.

To enable Remote Desktop, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window. You should now see the meterpreter prompt.

To enable Remote Desktop and create a user, type the following command:

run getgui -u plab -p Passw0rd

Press Enter.

Figure 1.46 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.46 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the run getgui command to enable Remote Desktop.

Step 2

The getgui command runs successfully. You now have a user account created on the exploited system.

Note: You can connect to PLABWIN810 to verify if the plab user is created.Alert: The last line of the output is very important. This command, alongwith file number mentioned therein, is required to cleanup the steps of the hacker at the end of the operation.

Figure 1.47 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.47 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the run getgui command.

Step 3

Keep the Meterpreter session open.

Launch a new terminal window.

You will now test if you can remotely connect to PLABWIN810, which is

Type the following command:

rdesktop -u plab -p Passw0rd

Press Enter.

Figure 1.48 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.48 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the rdesktop command to start the Remote Desktop session.

When prompted, type in yes to continue.

Figure 1.49 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.49 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Continuing the rdesktop command to start the Remote Desktop session.

Step 4

A Windows client system can have only one live connection at a time. Either it could be a user using the system or another user connected to the system using a Remote Desktop session. As the output of the rdesktop command, you received an error stating that a user is already signed in.

This clearly indicates that you were able to initiate a Remote Desktop Connection with the victim’s system.

Click Yes.

Figure 1.50 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.50 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the Remote Desktop window with the message mentioning that a user is logged in.

Step 5

The Remote Desktop connection starts to establish.

Figure 1.51 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.51 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the Remote Desktop window to log off the current logged in user.

Step 6

The rdesktop - window is displayed. You also get to see the Application Install - Security Warning dialog box. Click Don’t Install.

Figure 1.52 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.52 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the Application Install - Security Warning dialog box and clicking Don’t Install.

Step 7

In the BGInfo License Agreement dialog box, click Decline.

Figure 1.53 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.53 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the BGInfo License Agreement dialog box and clicking Decline.

Step 8

You have established a Remote Desktop connection successfully.

Figure 1.54 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.54 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the successfully established Remote Desktop session.

Close the rdesktop - window. Close the terminal window, but keep the Meterpreter session running.

Task 9 - Find the Installed Applications

After compromising a host, you may want to find the applications that are installed. Meterpreter provides a module that helps you do this.

To find the installed applications on the exploited host, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window. You should now see the meterpreter prompt.

Type the following command to find the installed applications:

run post/windows/gather/enum_applications

Press Enter.

Figure 1.55 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.55 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering a module name to list the installed applications.

Step 2

Notice that the installed applications are now listed.

Figure 1.56 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.56 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the listed applications as the output.

Task 10 - Perform an ARP Scan

When you are connected with a compromised system, which is part of a network, you can perform an ARP scan to find more systems on the network. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window. You should now see the meterpreter prompt.

To perform the arp scan on a network for a given range, type the following command:

run post/windows/gather/arp_scanner RHOSTS=

Press Enter.

Figure 1.57 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.57 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to run the ARP scan on the subnet.

Step 2

The ARP output is now displayed.

The task might take a while to complete.

Figure 1.58 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.58 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the ARP scan.

Task 11 - Clear Tracks

In one of the previous tasks, you created a user account for Remote Desktop connectivity. There will be more evidence that you would leave behind. You need to ensure that you clear tracks before you move out of the system so that you are untraceable. To clear tracks, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window. You should now see the meterpreter prompt.

You must have performed a series of activities on the exploited system. Most of them are likely to be logged. Therefore, it is better to clear the event logs on the exploited system. To do this, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.59 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.59 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the metasploit window with the meterpreter prompt with the clearev command.

Step 2

Notice the output. Several events are cleared from the Windows event log.

Figure 1.60 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.60 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the clearev command.

Step 3

Let’s verify the removal of events on PLABWIN810. Connect to PLABWIN810.

Right-click Windows charm and select Event Viewer.

Figure 1.61 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.61 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Right-clicking the Windows charm and selecting Event Viewer from the context menu.

Step 4

The Event Viewer window is displayed. Expand Windows Logs in the left pane and select Application.

Notice that there are only two logs.

Figure 1.62 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.62 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Showing the selection of the Application node in the Event Viewer.

Step 5

In the left pane, select Security.

Notice that few events logged.

Figure 1.63 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.63 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Showing the selection of the Security node in the Event Viewer.

Step 6

In the left pane, select System.

It also has a couple of events logged.

Close the Event Viewer window.

Figure 1.64 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.64 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Showing the selection of the System node in the Event Viewer.

Step 7

Connect to PLABKALI01.

Remember that you had created a user named plab for connecting to the exploited system using Remote Desktop. If this account is found on the system, the victim is likely to be convinced that the system was compromised. Therefore, it is better to remove the user account, plab.

Type the following command to remove the user:

run multi_console_command -r /root/.msf4/logs/scripts/getgui/clean_up__20200518.5135.rc

Press Enter.

Note: Notice this is the same command and the file number that was displayed in the output on the Task 8 - Step 3. The file number at the end of clean_up command will vary in your lab environment.

Figure 1.65 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.65 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to delete the user account named plab.

Note: You can connect to PLABWIN810 and verify that the user account is deleted.Keep all devices that you have powered on in their current state and proceed to the review section.


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