Work with various penetration testing list


Work with Various Penetration Testing Tools

Metasploit framework is one of the key tools used in penetration testing. Other than this, you can also work with Meterpreter, which has the capability to run different types of modules for attacking a system. For example, you can work with the Incognito module, which does not require you to steal the user’s password for compromising a system. You can instead work with tokens and impersonate a user. It simplifies the process of compromising a system.

In this exercise, you will learn to work with various penetration testing tools.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this exercise, you will be able to:

  • Switch Off the Windows Firewall on PLABWIN810
  • Start a Meterpreter Session on a Windows System
  • Create a Backdoor User
  • Enable Remote Desktop in Windows Firewall
  • Enable Remote Desktop Using Meterpreter
  • Use the Incognito Module
  • Work with Searchsploit
  • Work with Impacket

Your Devices

You will be using the following devices in this lab. Please power on these devices.

  • PLABDC01 - (Windows Server 2019 - Domain Server)
  • PLABKALI01 - (Kali 2019.2 - Linux Kali)
  • PLABWIN810 - (Windows 8.1 - Domain Member)

Practice Labs screenshot.

Task 1 - Switching Off the Windows Firewall on PLABWIN810

You will need to switch off the Windows Firewall to perform an attack on PLABWIN810. There are attacking methods that you can use to bypass the Windows or any other firewall running on the target. However, for the sake of this module, you will switch off the Windows Firewall and proceed with the remaining tasks.

To switch off the Windows Firewall on PLABWIN810, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you have connected to PLABWIN810 and logged into the system.

Note that the PLABWIN810 desktop is displayed.

Figure 1.1 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.1 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Showing the desktop of PLABWIN810.

Step 2

Right-click the Windows Charm and select Control Panel.

Figure 1.2 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.2 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Right-clicking the Windows Charm and selecting Control Panel.

Step 3

The Control Panel window is displayed. On the Adjust your computer’s settings page, click System and Security.

Figure 1.3 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.3 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Clicking System and Security on the Adjust your computer’s settings page.

Step 4

On the next page, several security-related options are displayed. Click Windows Firewall.

Figure 1.4 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.4 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Clicking Windows Firewall.

Step 5

On the Help protect your PC with Windows Firewall page, click Turn Windows Firewall on or off in the left pane.

Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.5 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Clicking Turn Windows Firewall on or off in the left pane.

Step 6

On the Customize settings for each type of network page, select Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended) for DomainPrivate, and Public network.

Click OK.

Figure 1.6 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.6 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Selecting Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended) for Domain, Private, and Public network.

Step 7

On the Help protect your PC with Windows Firewall page, notice that Windows Firewall is now turned off for DomainPrivate, and Public network.

Figure 1.7 Screenshot of PLABWIN810
Figure 1.7 Screenshot of PLABWIN810: Verifying the Windows Firewall status and closing the Control Panel.

Close the Control Panel window and the PLABWIN810 window.

Task 2 - Start a Meterpreter Session on a Windows System

To be able to penetrate a network, you need to exploit a system first. After exploiting this system, you can perform various tasks, which can be pivoting or lateral movements. Depending on the network environment, you need to choose your attack. However, as the first task, a system must be exploited.

In this task, you will learn to connect to a Windows Host and Launch the Exploit. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure you have powered on all the devices listed in the introduction and connect to PLABKALI01.

Click the metasploit framework icon on the desktop.

Figure 1.8 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.8 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Clicking the metasploit framework icon in the left pane.

Step 3

Terminal window is displayed. To run the metasploit framework, type:

Note: The number of exploits and payloads will change from time to time.

Figure 1.9 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.9 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the command to start the Metasploit framework typed in.

Step 4

The metasploit framework has started now.

Note: The number of exploits and payloads will change from time to time.

The Metasploit framework is started now

Figure 1.10 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.10 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the msf5 prompt after the Metasploit framework starts.

Step 5

You will now use the PsExec exploit. To do this, type the following command:

use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec

Press Enter

Figure 1.11 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.11 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the PsExec command at the msf5 prompt.

Step 6

Next, type the following command to set the remote target host:


Press Enter

Figure 1.12 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.12 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Setting the remote host for exploitation.

Step 7

You will now need to provide user credentials. To do this, type the following command:

set SMBUser admin

Press Enter

Figure 1.13 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.13 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Setting the SMBUser.

Step 8

You need to now set the password for the user. Type the following command:

set SMBPass Passw0rd

Press Enter

Figure 1.14 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.14 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Setting the password for the SMBUser.

Step 9

Finally, type the following command:


Press Enter

Figure 1.15 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.15 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Running the exploit using the run command.

Step 10

After the run command completes, notice that a session with the victim’s system is now established

Figure 1.16 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.16 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the established session with the victim and showing the victim’s system as exploited.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 3 - Create a Backdoor User

After the exploitation of Windows (or any other system), the easiest method to gain access to it is by creating a user, which can be used as and when required. For example, you can use this account to access the system using Remote Desktop. There will be instances that the vulnerabilities that you exploited are now patched and closed. If you do not have a backdoor user, you will need to find a way to exploit the system again. With the user in existence, your life becomes easier.

In this task, you will create a backdoor user. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the screen.

You need to first open a shell to access the Windows command prompt. To do this, type the following command:


Press Enter

Figure 1.17 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.17 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the shell command at the meterpreter prompt.

Step 2

The output of the shell command is displayed.

Figure 1.18 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.18 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the shell command.

Step 3

You have access to the Windows command shell. You need to now create a user named plab. Type the following command:

net user plab Passw0rd /add

Press Enter

Figure 1.19 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.19 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the net user command to add a user named plab.

Step 4

The plab user is now created on PLABWIN810 system, which you have exploited.

Figure 1.20 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.20 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing a new user added as the output of the net user command.

Step 5

You would want to retain the administrative control on the system. Therefore, it is wise to add the plab user to the local Administrators group. To do this, type the following command:

net localgroup administrators plab /add

Press Enter

Figure 1.21 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.21 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to add the plab user to the local administrators group.

Step 6

The plab user is now added to the Administrators group.

Figure 1.22 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.22 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the net user command as user added to the local administrators group.

Step 7

For the plab user to log in to the system using Remote Desktop, you need to add it to the Remote Desktop Users group on the Windows system. To do this, type the following command:

net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" plab /add

Press Enter.

Figure 1.23 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.23 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the net user command to add the plab user to the Remote Desktop Users group.

Step 8

The user plab is now added to the Remote Desktop Users group.

Figure 1.24 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.24 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the net user command with the user added to the Remote Desktop Users group.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 4 - Enable Remote Desktop in Windows Firewall

Creating and adding a user to the Remote Desktop Users may not help if Windows Firewall does not allow the traffic through port 3389. While you are making changes to the system, such as creating a user, you should also enable Remote Desktop in Windows Firewall.

In this task, you will enable Remote Desktop in Windows Firewall. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session with Windows command prompt is open.

You need to enable the RemoteDesktop service. To do this, type the following command:

netsh firewall set service RemoteDesktop enable

Press Enter.

Figure 1.25 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.25 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the netsh command to enable the RemoteDesktop service.

Step 2

Notice that the command has executed successfully.

Figure 1.26 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.26 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the netsh command.

Step 3

Next, you need to add a few registry keys for Remote Desktop. Type the following:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v DenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Note: To clear the screen of the previous commands, the Enter key has been pressed several times intentionally.

Press Enter.

Notice that the registry key has been added successfully.

Figure 1.27 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.27 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the reg add command to add a registry key.

Step 4

You will need to add another registry key. To do this, type the following command:

reg add "hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v "AllowTSConnections" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f

Press Enter.

Figure 1.28 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.28 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the reg add command to add a registry key.

Step 5

Notice that the registry key has been added successfully.

Figure 1.29 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.29 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the reg add command.

Step 6

Next, you need to set the Remote Desktop service to start automatically. To do this, type the following command:

sc config TermService start= auto

Press Enter.

Figure 1.30 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.30 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the sc command to configure Remote Desktop service to start automatically.

Step 7

The command executes successfully.

Figure 1.31 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.31 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the sc command.

Step 8

You will now need to start the Remote Desktop service. If it is already started, you will be notified.

net start Termservice

Press Enter.

Figure 1.32 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.32 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the net start command to start the Remote Desktop service.

Step 9

Notice that the service has already been started.

Figure 1.33 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.33 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the net start command.

Step 10

Next, start the network shell using netsh.exe. Type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.34 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.34 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the netsh command to start the network shell.

Step 11

The network shell has started. Type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.35 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.35 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the firewall command on the netsh prompt.

Step 12

The command prompt changes to the netsh firewall. To open the Remote Desktop port 3389, type the following command:

add portopening TCP 3389 "Remote Desktop"

Press Enter.

Figure 1.36 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.36 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command at the netsh shell to open the Remote Desktop port in the firewall.

Step 13

Notice that the command executed successfully. Now, exit from the netsh firewall shell. Type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.37 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.37 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the command with port opened successfully and entering the exit command to move out of the netsh shell.

Step 14

You are back on the Windows command prompt. Type the following command to exit from it:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.38 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.38 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the exit command to exit from Windows shell.

Step 15

You are now back on the Meterpreter prompt.

Figure 1.39 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.39 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the metasploit window with the meterpreter prompt.

Task 5 - Enable Remote Desktop using Meterpreter

In the previous task, you made several configuration changes using the Windows command shell. You can also use the enable_rdp module that will enable the Remote Desktop for you.

In this task, you will enable Remote Desktop using Meterpreter. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01 and Meterpreter is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the screen.

Figure 1.40 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.40 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the metasploit window with the meterpreter prompt.

Step 2

To enable Remote Desktop to connect to PLABWIN810, type the following command:

run post/windows/manage/enable_rdp

Press Enter.

Figure 1.41 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.41 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to use the enable_rdp module to connect with the PLABWIN810 system.

Step 3

Since you had enabled Remote Desktop and its service in the previous task, you will get the output as shown.

Note: If you do not perform the previous task, then the results would differ. Remote Desktop would be enabled.

Figure 1.42 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.42 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of running enable_rdp module.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 6 - Use the Incognito Module

Tokens in Windows are similar to the cookies in Web applications. Tokens can be of two types:

  • Delegate: Are created when you log on to a system. These are also created when you connect to a system using Remote Desktop.
  • Impersonate: Are created for a non-interactive session, such as connecting to a network drive.

Tokens only persist until you reboot the system. The delegate token is considered to impersonate token when the user logs off from the system. However, the impersonate token still holds all of the same rights as the delegate token.

With the Incognito module, you can track the valid tokens and impersonate them. You can then use these tokens for privilege escalation.

In this task, you will use the Incognito module. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and Meterpreter session is open.

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window. You should now see the meterpreter prompt.

Figure 1.43 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.43 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the metasploit window with the meterpreter prompt.

Step 2

First, you need to load the Incognito module in Meterpreter. Type the following command:

use incognito

Press Enter.

Figure 1.44 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.44 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the use incognito command.

Step 3

Notice the output. The incognito mode is loaded successfully. If you had loaded the incognito module in the session earlier, you would be prompted with the message that this module is already loaded.

Note: In your lab environment, it may not be loaded. The results are likely to vary.

Figure 1.45 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.45 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the use incognito command.

Step 4

Next, you will need to list the valid tokens. Type the following command:

list_tokens -u

Press Enter.

Figure 1.46 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.46 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the list_tokens command to list the valid tokens.

Step 5

Notice the output of the list_tokens command. The token for PRACTICELABS\Administrator is also listed.

Figure 1.47 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.47 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the list_tokens command.

Step 6

To be able to resume the privileges of PRACTICELABS\Administrator, you need to impersonate the token. To do this, type the following command:

impersonate_token PRACTICELABS\\Administrator

Press Enter.

Note: Ensure that you have a double backslash before Administrator. If you use only one backslash, you will be prompted with an error.

Figure 1.48 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.48 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the impersonate_token command to impersonate a token.

Step 7

Notice that you have been able to impersonate the PRACTICELABS\Administrator’s token successfully.

Figure 1.49 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.49 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the success of the impersonate_token command.

Step 8

You can verify that user ID.

To do this, type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.50 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.50 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the getuid command to get the user details.

Step 9

Note the output, which confirms that the session is now running with PRACTICELABS\Administrator privileges.

Figure 1.51 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.51 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the PRACTICELABS\Administrator user account as the output of the getuid command.

Step 10

Press Ctrl + l to clear the window.

With the impersonated token, you can invoke the Windows command shell. Type the following command:

execute -f cmd.exe -i -t

Press Enter.

Note: Using the -f parameter, you need to specify the file to be executed. The -i parameter is used for interacting with the victim’s system. The -t parameter uses the same role that has been impersonated.

Figure 1.52 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.52 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the execute command to open the command prompt.

Step 11

Notice that the Windows command shell is displayed. Type the following command to see the current user:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.53 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.53 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the execute the command and entering the whoami command.

Step 12

Notice that the output displays practicelabs\administrator as the current user.

Figure 1.54 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.54 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the whoami command.

Step 13

Type the following command to exit from the Windows command shell:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.55 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.55 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the exit command to exit from the Windows shell.

Step 14

You are now back on the Meterpreter prompt.

Figure 1.56 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.56 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the meterpreter prompt.

Step 15

You can get the original token and release the PRACTICELABS\Administrator’s token. Type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.57 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.57 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the rev2self command on the meterpreter prompt.

Step 16

The rev2self command executes successfully. Now, check the current user ID. Type the following command:


Press Enter.

Figure 1.58 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.58 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the getuid command at the meterpreter prompt.

Step 17

Notice that the username has changed from PRACTICELABS\Administrator to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

Figure 1.59 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.59 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the getuid command.

Exit from Meterpreter and close the terminal window.

Task 7 - Work with Searchsploit

The Searchsploit tool is built-in to Kali Linux. It is designed to search the local exploit database. This tool becomes handy when you do not have Internet connectivity and need to search for exploits. However, if the exploit database is not updated, you may not get the exploit information that you searched for. You can perform a search based on title and even examine an exploit.

In this task, you will learn to work with Searchsploit. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01. Open the terminal window.

Figure 1.60 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.60 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the Kali prompt in the terminal window.

Step 2

Before running the searchsploit tool, let’s update it first. To do this, type the following command:

searchsploit -u

Press Enter.

Note: This update may take a few minutes to complete.

Figure 1.61 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.61 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the searchsploit command to update itself.

Step 3

In the end, you are prompted with a message that the Git update has finished.

Figure 1.62 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.62 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the run searchsploit -u command.

Step 4

Clear the screen with the clear command.

You can now start using the searchsploit tool. Let’s first run a simple query to find out information about an exploit named MS17-010. Type the following command:

searchsploit MS17-010

Press Enter.

Figure 1.63 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.63 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the searchsploit command to search for a specific exploit.

Step 5

The details of the MS17-010 exploit is now displayed.

Figure 1.64 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.64 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the searchsploit command with the information about the exploit.

Step 6

You may want to find remote Windows vulnerabilities. To find these vulnerabilities, you need to search for keywords like Windows and remote. Type the following command:

searchsploit -t windows remote

Press Enter.

Note: The -t parameter is used for the term, which in this case are Windows and remote.

Figure 1.65 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.65 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the searchsploit command to search for more than one exploit.

Step 7

The result of the search with keywords Windows and remote are now displayed.

Figure 1.66 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.66 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the searchsploit command with the list of exploits.

Step 8

Clear the screen with the clear command.

You can copy the exploit to a directory, which by default will be /root. To copy an exploit to /root, type the following command:

searchsploit -m 39166

Press Enter.

Note: If you use the -p parameter, then the path for the exploit will be copied to the clipboard.

Figure 1.67 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.67 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the searchsploit command to copy the exploit to the root directory.

Step 9

The exploit has been copied to the /root directory.

Figure 1.68 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.68 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the copied exploit in the root directory.

Step 10

You can verify if the exploit has been copied to the /root directory. Type the following command:

ls -l /root

Press Enter.

Figure 1.69 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.69 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the ls -l command to list the files in the root directory.

Step 11

Notice that 39166.c is listed in the /root directory.

Figure 1.70 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.70 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the copied exploit in the root directory.

Step 12

Clear the screen with the clear command.

You can also examine an exploit to understand its functionality. To do this, type the following command:

searchsploit 39166 --examine

Press Enter.

Figure 1.71 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.71 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the searchsploit command with the examine parameter to understand an exploits functionality.

Step 13

The exploit information spread across multiple pages. You can press the PgDn key to continue reading.

Figure 1.72 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.72 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the information about a specific exploit.

Step 14

When you are done the reading, press Ctrl + z key to abort the command. You are now back at the prompt.

Figure 1.73 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.73 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Pressing the Ctrl + z keys to abort the searchsploit command.

Step 15

Clear the screen with the clear command.

You can also get the updated information about the exploit from the Website. You need to use the -w parameter for this purpose. Type the following command:

searchsploit Windows iis -w

Press Enter.

Figure 1.74 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.74 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to retrieve the latest information about a specific type of exploit from the Website.

Step 16

Information about several exploits is now listed.

Figure 1.75 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.75 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the information from the www . exploit - db . com Website.

Step 17

Clear the screen with the clear command.

When you are searching for the exploit database, there will be chances that you get unwanted results. You can remove them using the - -exclude parameter. Type the following command:

searchsploit --exclude=Windows

Press Enter.

Figure 1.76 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.76 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the searchsploit command to exclude a specific type of exploits.

Step 18

The output of this command is displayed.

Figure 1.77 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.77 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of a searchsploit command with the - - exclude parameter.

Step 19

Clear the screen with the clear command.

You can also combine the searchsploit command along with the grep command. This will help you further narrow down the results. Type the following:

searchsploit windows | grep “Privilege Escalation”

Press Enter.

Figure 1.78 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.78 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the searchsploit command with the grep command to limit the search results.

Step 20

Notice that the output has now narrowed down.

Figure 1.79 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.79 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the searchsploit command with the grep command with the limited search results.

Step 21

You can also perform a case-sensitive search using the -c parameter. Type the following command:

searchsploit -c XSS

Press Enter.

Figure 1.80 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.80 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the searchsploit command with the -c parameter to search for case sensitive information.

Step 22

Notice that only the results matching the case are displayed.

Figure 1.81 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.81 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the searchsploit command with the -c parameter.

Keep the terminal window open.

Task 8 - Work with Impacket

Impacket is a set of Python scripts that can help you retrieve quite a bit of information from a system. It includes several readymade scripts, which are categorized as:

  • Remote Code Execution:,,,, and
  • SMB/MSRPC:,,,,,,,,, and
  • Kerberos:,,,,, and
  • Windows Secret:
  • Server Tools/MiTM Attacks: and
  • Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI):
  • SAMBA: and
  • MSSQL:
  • File Formats: and
  • Miscellaneous:,,,, and

In this task, you will learn to use several scripts in Impacket. To do this, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Ensure that you are connected to PLABKALI01and the terminal window is open.

Clear the screen with the clear command.

At the prompt, list the files and directories using the following command:

ls -l

Press Enter.

Figure 1.82 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.82 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the ls -l command to list the files and directories in the current directory.

Step 2

Notice the directories are listed. You need to navigate to the impacket directory. Type the following command:

cd impacket

Press Enter

Figure 1.83 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.83 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the ls -l command and entering the cd command to navigate to the Impacket directory.

Step 3

You have navigated to the impacket directory. Type the following command to list the contents of this directory:

ls -l

Press Enter.

Step 4

Notice that the files are listed. You need to initiate the installation of Impacket using the script. Type the following command:

python install

Press Enter.

Figure 1.85 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.85 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to run the and install impacket.

Step 5

The Impacket installation does not take much time. After the installation, you are now at the prompt.

Figure 1.86 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.86 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the Kali prompt after completing the Impacket installation.

Step 6

Clear the screen with the clear command.

Next, navigate inside the examples directory.

cd examples

Press Enter

Figure 1.87 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.87 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the cd command to navigate to the examples directory.

Step 7

Now, list the files in this directory. Type the following command:

ls -l

Press Enter

Figure 1.88 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.88 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the ls -l command to list the files and directories in the examples directory.

Step 8

The files in the examples directory are listed.

Figure 1.89 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.89 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the listing of files in the examples directory.

Step 9

Clear the screen with the clear command.

You will now perform Remote Code Execution using the atexec script, which will use the Windows Task Scheduler service. Type the following command:

./ practicelabs/Administrator:Passw0rd@ systeminfo

Press Enter.

Figure 1.90 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.90 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to execute the script.

Step 10

The process will take a while to complete.

Notice the output. Towards the end of the output, it lists out the updates that are installed.

Figure 1.91 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.91 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the script.

Step 11

Scroll up to start of the command. You have been able to able to extract virtually all the information possible from the system.

Figure 1.92 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.92 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the script.

Step 12

Clear the screen with the clear command.

Next, you will use the script. This script will provide the details of the local users on the PLABWIN810 system.

./ practicelabs/Administrator:Passw0rd@ net user

Press Enter.

Figure 1.93 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.93 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to execute the script.

Step 13

Notice that in the output, the local users are listed.

Figure 1.94 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.94 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the script.

Step 14

Clear the screen with the clear command.

Now, you can also run a stealthy script with the name It runs with elevated privileges. Type the following command:

./ practicelabs/Administrator:Passw0rd@ netstat

Press Enter.

Figure 1.95 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.95 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to execute the script.

Step 15

A list of connections is now displayed as the output.

Figure 1.96 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.96 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the script.

Step 16

Clear the screen with the clear command.

Using the script, you can list the Windows SIDs using the MSRPC Interface. Type the following command:

./ practicelabs/Administrator:Passw0rd@

Press Enter.

Figure 1.97 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.97 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to execute the script.

Step 17

The SIDs for the domain and local users are now listed.

Figure 1.98 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.98 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the script.

Step 18

Clear the screen with the clear command.

Using the script, you can communicate with the Security Account Manager (SAM) Remote Interface. With the help of this script, you can list the information, such as system user accounts and their password-related information. Type the following command:

./ practicelabs/Administrator:Passw0rd@

Press Enter.

Figure 1.99 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.99 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to execute the script.

Step 19

Notice that the output displays the user accounts and password related information.

Figure 1.100 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.100 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the script.

Step 20

Clear the screen with the clear command.

Using the script, you can manipulate the services running on the target system. Type the following command:

./ practicelabs/Administrator:Passw0rd@ list

Press Enter.

Figure 1.101 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.101 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to execute the script.

Step 21

All services on the target system are listed with their current state, such as Running or Stopped.

Figure 1.102 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.102 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output of the script.

Step 22

Clear the screen with the clear command.

You can also add, delete, rename, download, or upload files on a target system. To do this, type the following command:

./ practicelabs/Administrator:Passw0rd@

Press Enter.

Figure 1.103 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.103 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the command to execute the script.

Step 23

Notice that the prompt is displayed. Type the following command:


Press Enter.

Note: You can type help to get more information on the commands that can be used.

Figure 1.104 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.104 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the shares command at the # prompt.

Step 24

Notice that the output displays the administrative shares. There is no user shared folders.

Figure 1.105 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.105 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Showing the output with the administrative shares.

Step 25

Type exit to exit from the prompt. You are now back on the Kali prompt.

Figure 1.106 Screenshot of PLABKALI01
Figure 1.106 Screenshot of PLABKALI01: Entering the exit command to exit from # prompt.

Keep all devices that you have powered on in their current state and proceed to the review section.


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