

Penetration Testing Basics

The Penetration Testing Basics course covers the most important technical aspects of penetration testing. You will learn techniques, tools, and a professional penetration testing methodology. This course covers different phases from information gathering through footprinting, as well as scanning and vulnerability assessment, up to the exploitation phase. You will also become familiar with typical infrastructural and web-based attacks, with real-world examples explained step-by-step.

INE Instructor Lukasz Mikula



16h 58m



INE Cyber Security - User Guide.pdf

Introduction - Study Guide

Open-Source Intelligence - Study Guide

Subdomain Enumeration - Study Guide

Subdomain Enumeration

The Importance of Information Gathering - Study Guide

Disclaimer - Study Guide

Mapping a Network - Study Guide

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NMAP OS Fingerprinting

Port Scanning - Study Guide

NMAP Port Scanning

Basic Masscan Usage

Scanning and OS Fingerprinting

Vulnerability Assessment - Study Guide

Nessus - Study Guide



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In this lab you will have to use and configure Nessus in order to perform a vulnerability scan against the target machine. However you are not told where the target machine is in the network. You only know it is in the same lab network you are connected to.


The goal of this lab is to learn how to properly configure Nessus depending on the services running on the target machine.


The best tools for this lab are:

  • Nmap

  • Nessus

  • Metasploit


Find a target in the network

Since we do not have any information about our lab network and the hosts attached to it, the first step is to find our target!

Identify the target role

Now that we know there is a host on the target network, let us scan the host and gather as much information as we can in order to properly configure the Nessus scan.

Configure Nessus and run the scan

You should have identified few services running on the machine. Configure a new Nessus policy and scan depending on the scan results of the previous step.

Analyze and export the scan results

Once the scan completes, open the results and analyze them. You will find something very interesting! Moreover export the scan results, you may need them!

[OPTIONAL] Exploit the machine

The target machine has few critical vulnerabilities. Once you finish studying the Metasploit module, start the lab over again and try to exploit the machine.


Please go ahead ONLY if you have COMPLETED the lab or you are stuck! Checking the solutions before actually trying the concepts and techniques you studied in the course, will dramatically reduce the benefits of a hands-on lab!

Solutions steps

Find a target in the network

We first need to verify which the remote network is. We can do it by running ifconfig and check the IP address of our tap0 interface.

As we can see the target network is Let\'s run nmap -sn in order to discover alive hosts on the network:

The previous screenshot shows that the only host alive in the network is (besides our host:

Identify the target role

Let us run nmap in order to gather as much information as we can about our target. To do this we will run a -A scan as follows:

As we can see in the previous output there are just few services enabled. Moreover, the machine is a Windows machine. Armed with this knowledge we can start configuring our new Nessus policy and scan.

Configure Nessus and run the scan

From the previous scans we can guess that the machine is a client (there are no services such as FTP, SSH, Apache or so). Moreover we know its OS is Windows XP, so we can create a new scan policy that will use only specific plugins such as Windows plugins.

In order to run the scan, we need to visit Nessus's web interface on http://localhost:8834/ first.

Then we should navigate to Scans and choose New Scan -> Advanced scan.

We only need to specify the target and the desired name of the scan. Now, we are ready to launch the scan.

After the scan finishes, we can see the results:

Clicking the first critical vulnerability provides us with a detailed list of the detected issues:

Note: If we wanted to use Windows plugins only, so that a faster and a more specific scan is performed, this can be done as follows.

Policy -> New Policy -> Advanced Scan and configure the below.

Then navigate to My Scans -> New Scan -> User Defined and launch the scan.

Analyze and export the scan results

From the scan results obtained in the previous step we can see that the machine has some critical vulnerabilities.

The most interesting one is the MS08-067:

This vulnerability allows attackers to execute code remotely! Keep it in mind if you want to exploit the machine!

[OPTIONAL] Exploit the machine

In the previous step we found a very interesting vulnerability. Once you finish studying the Metasploit section of the course, come back in this lab and try to exploit it!


Lab Not Running

info_outlineLAB NOT RUNNING

Start the lab and you’ll be able to download a VPN File and connect.

Introduction - Study Guide

Web Server Fingerprinting - Study Guide

HTTP Verbs - Study Guide


Directories and Files Enumeration - Study Guide




Google Hacking - Study Guide

Cross Site Scripting - Study Guide


Cross site scripting

SQL Injections - Study Guide

SQL Injection


SQL Injection

Malware - Study Guide


Password Attacks - Study Guide

John the Ripper


Buffer Overflow Attacks - Study Guide

Authentication Cracking - Study Guide

Hydra: Authentication Cracking

Bruteforce and Password cracking

Windows Shares - Study Guide

Null Sessions - Study Guide

Null Session

Null Session

ARP Poisoning - Study Guide

ARP Spoofing

ARP Poisoning

Metasploit - Study Guide



Meterpreter - Study Guide


Beyond Remote Code Execution


What to do Next - Study Guide

Black-box Penetration Test 1

Black-box Penetration Test 2

Black-box Penetration Test 3

Penetration Testing Approach - Study Guide

Career Paths - Study Guide


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